The Rage of Dragons

Apophis' mind ran through several different possibilities in the span of a few seconds.

The oddities going on in this battle were simply far too many for him to proceed further without proper analyzation.

But Apophis' opponent was not so inept that he would have allowed the dragon to spend too much time formulating a plan.

With his bladed arm, Percival attacked Apophis with a crude, rudimentary level of skill. Making him realize that this was probably why he had stayed on the defensive this whole time.

His level was only that of the average major in one of Tehom's armies.

Apophis started to swipe back with his own blade, when a realization suddenly clicked within his mind.

Separated flesh.

That had to have been how the stranger made a duplicate.

And since it was likely an inborn ability, that would have surely accounted for the reason why Apophis couldn't sense anything before it happened.