Percival is the antichrist.
A prophesied being who's looming existence has made mortals shudder for centuries.
He is worse than the prophecies have made him out to be.
His appetite for cruelty is bottomless. He has never known, nor cared for, the idea of love, and he looks down upon those who have.
He is masochistic, overbearingly prideful, and by all accounts a glorified psychopath.
But more than anything, he found discomfort in harmony.
Perhaps that was why right now, he showed the most agitation that he'd displayed ever since he'd been here.
Appearing in the middle of this forsaken forest was like his worst nightmare.
But at the very least he could fix it. And take sadistic joy while doing so.
He laughed boorishly while he sent the entire forest around him up in flames.