One Step Closer

It turned yellow. Everyone was surprised. But none of the captains or the master or Miss Carsalina was. They kept looking at the sphere. So did I. The yellow color slowly faded and the sphere suddenly turned green. It was gorgeous. But a few seconds later it faded and it became blue. Right then Miss Carsalina came forward.

"Nicola Brownwitch. C cla-"

She suddenly stopped and looked at the sphere with a lot of astonishment. The blue faded and it became purple! She was a B-class annihilator! Was she hiding her strength? Even so, the purple was extremely pale and almost transparent. Oh right! I forgot to mention about the color density. There were 3 stages in each class. They were the lower stage, the middle stage, and the higher stage. These three are based on the density of color. The difference between the colors of the stages was extremely obvious. So essentially, there are 15 classes. The higher the class the more respect you get. So Nicola was a lower stage B class annihilator. She was the first rookie in history to have achieved such a feat. The captains were absolutely astonished and stood up and applauded her. This was an extremely big deal. She looked at her relatives and they nodded happily at her. Not only did she get a title but she also became a B-class annihilator. I was starting to feel envious. After a while, the crowd settled down. Then the dumbfounded Miss Carsalina managed to find her words.

"N…Nicola Brownwitch. B class annihilator."

Then after, the excitement died down the others started evaluating their classes too. After a while, she called out my name.

"Tony Schleider, come forward."

I stepped forward. Everyone was looking at me with extreme concentration and silence. They probably expected me to be a B-class annihilator too. But I don't know if I could. After all, it was B class. For all we knew, Nicola was hiding her strength all along. Nicola looked at me daringly. At this point in time, not many dared to do that. No way was I going to lose to her. So I put my faith in my dad's harsh eight-year training.

Anyways, my dad never taught me any special stance to deliver a punch. Whenever he wanted to test my strength he said punch with all you got. So I did just the same. I pulled my left arm back (that's right, I'm a lefty) and propelled it forward with everything I got. After my fist hit the Tetromite sphere, the sonorous sound that enveloped the stadium during Nicola's turn repeated itself. The color turned yellow. Then the color turned green. Then blue. Then it disappeared and a light purple color slowly accumulated around the surface of the sphere. For a few seconds, it was just as light as Nicola's. but then it slowly turned a little darker. The difference between our colors was nearly negligible and yet barely noticeable. We waited for a while more but nothing happened. Instead the purple faded and the sphere turned back to its original state.

"Tony Schleider. B class annihilator."