Ch 1-Stop sucking my soul—Part 2

Taking a quick assessment of the situation I was in, I realized that I was lying beside Harry and Hermione outside the Forbidden forest just beside the Black Lake and the other harry(the one using the time tuner) has just saved our asses (or In my case failed to save) from the dementors with the help of his stag Patronus.

If my memory of the POA book serves me correctly then the other harry should be running back toward Hagrid's hut and in a couple of minutes, snape will regain his consciousness and will see us and bring all three of us inside the castle. So I stopped my body from giving in to exhaustion (because let me tell you getting almost kissed by the dementor can be quite a chore) and started preparing for the inevitable confrontation with Dumbledore by assimilating the memories of Sirius Black.

After a couple of minutes, I heard the crunching of grass and felt someone's footsteps coming toward us. I hurriedly tried to even my breathing and kept my body still because if Snape realized that I was conscious then there would be a confrontation and there is no way that I would get into a confrontation with Snape without a wand and some energy bars inside me.

He came to a stop just beside me and stood still for a moment. I could hear nothing except for the wind and then out of nowhere, he kicked me in my ribs, hard. I almost couldn't stop myself from cursing out loud.

'I SWEAR I WILL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS SNAPE, YOU GREASY-HAIRED GIT. UHH,' I thought while forcing myself to be still.

"Filthy mutt, you may have gotten lucky this time, but don't worry... before the night is over I will make sure you get kissed," he sneeringly said with his shadow looming over me.

Snape stood still over me for a few moments as if contemplating if he wanted to curse me, after all. But at last his shadow went away from me and he waved his wand over our fallen forms. One second I was lying on the ground wondering if I had a broken rib and the next second I was lying a meter above the ground on a conjured stretcher.

"Expecto Patronum!" I felt him say and felt a bright light on my eyelids from somewhere around my feet.

'I wonder what memory he uses to cast the Patronus charm. Uhh, even the thought of the things that would make this git happy, makes me want to puke' I thought disgusted.

"Find the headmaster and tell him that I have caught Black and am bringing him inside the castle along with some injured students," He said to his Patronus and I felt the light fade away.

He started walking briskly and pulled us along roughly in the air behind him with his wand. It was a couple of minutes before he stopped. I opened my eyes a tiny bit to see and noticed that we were beside the whoomping willow and Snape was conjuring another stretcher for Ron, who had an injured leg courtesy of my body's previous occupants. Snape waved his wand once more and added Ron to our caravan of stretchers and then continued along. A loud howl was suddenly heard in the distance and I felt Snape increasing his pace a little bit.

As I opened my eyes a tiny bit more, I was suddenly stuck with the full glory of the castle of Hogwarts. It was a huge, rambling, and quite a scary-looking castle, with a jumble of towers and battlements. It wasn't a building that Muggles could build, magic would be required to support something like that.

As we came closer to the main entrance I stopped admiring the castle reluctantly and closed my eyes just as we went through the main gate. A couple of minutes must have passed since our entrance to the castle when I heard the sound of footsteps rushing along the hallway and coming toward us. Snape stood there waiting and a few moments later the footsteps came to a stop before us.


Dumbledore peered over his half-moon glasses at the people on the stretchers floating before him. While McGonagall and Flitwick both gasped when they found out who Professor Snape was levitating on three of those stretchers.

"What happened to the students Severus? Are they alright?" McGonagall asked while rushing towards her lions to check up on them.

"The brats look perfectly fine to me and if they were a little roughed up then I would say that it would be an adequate punishment that they deserve for running around without a care for any kind of rules," Snape drawled with a poker face, "Maybe they will think twice the next time before they get up to their usual shenanigans"

"Three of my children are lying here unconscious, one of them has a broken leg while two of them clearly show the aftereffects of an encounter with a dementor. But you are saying that they are perfectly fine, How can you be so.. so.." McGonagall opened and closed her mouth as if trying to find the words to describe him.

Before Snape could reply and make the situation any worse Dumbledore intervened.

"While I am sure Severus is equally concerned for the students in his own way Minerva. It is my opinion that these students should be placed under the care of Madam Pomfrey as soon as possible," Dumbledore said while looking pointedly toward McGonagall who was still glaring at Snape.

"As you say, Headmaster," She huffed before waving her wand toward the three students.

"And after you have done that, Will you please make sure that our usual troublemakers are not out of their beds? Because I don't think the grounds are very safe tonight for any night-time wandering judging by the howl I just heard."

McGonagall nodded silently at Dumbledore and glared at Severus one more time before she took the students toward the direction of the hospital wing.

After Professor McGonagall had gone for a while Dumbledore turned toward Professor Flitwick.

"Professor Flitwick if you could go ahead, and be so kind as to get Mr. Black situated in your office, I would be right along."He said while looking down toward the part goblin.

"Of course Headmaster." Flitwick nodded and took the stretcher on which Black was lying from under Snape's control with nary a gesture from his wand and went in the direction of his office.

Dumbledore waited for Professor Flitwick's footsteps to completely disappear before speaking.

"Now Severus, your Patronus message was not quite elaborate enough for me to comprehend the whole situation, so If you could quickly summarize tonight's events for me I would be grateful."

Snape stood still and gathered his thoughts for a moment before he started speaking in a bland tone.

"I was in Lupin's office to give him the wolfsbane potion that he was supposed to take when I came across that infernal map on his desk. When I took a glance at it, I saw Lupin running along the passageway under the Whomping Willow and going out of sight. So I naturally followed after him due to his suspicious behavior and it became quite obvious when I went into the shrieking shack and found Lupin there along with his old friend Black who he had been helping all along, just as I had told you." Snape looked at Dumbledore with triumph in his eyes.

"And you're sure that Lupin had been the one aiding Sirius Black," Dumbledore inquired while looking as if he trying to solve a particularly tricky puzzle in his mind.

"Of course! When I entered the Shrieking shack Lupin was already standing beside Black as if they were back in their school years. And when I talked about taking Black in for his just punishment Lupin defended him quite vehemently"

"If you had both of them under your wand, why is Professor Lupin out there wandering on the school grounds?" Dumbledore asked with a hint of doubt in his voice.

"When I had bound Lupin in ropes and was just about to do the same to Black, out of nowhere," Snape took a deep breath and visibly controlled himself before continuing, "Potter in his infinite arrogance sneakily attacked me along with with his two minions while I was trying to capture black."

"And why would they need to assault a professor, Severus?"

"Obviously, Black must have put them under the confundus charm before I entered there."

"Is that so... Please continue" Dumbledore said motioning him to continue with his arm.

"When I regained consciousness, Lupin was already running around in his true form. I searched around for a moment before I located Black, Potter, and Granger beside the Black Lake unconscious. The dementors were already going back to their posts and unfortunately, they didn't seem to have found black's soul appetizing enough. After that, I sent you a Patronus immediately and brought them inside the castle."

They stood in silence for a few moments with Dumbledore thinking with his brows furrowed while chewing on a candy that he had taken out of his robes.

"If you are quite done with your interrogation," Snape said with a raised eyebrow, "Then I think I should go call for Fudge to come back. He will surely be happy to know that I've caught the thorn in his side,"

"Of course, Severus, but before you go," Dumbledore asked while looking intently at Snape's face, "Is there anything else that you would like to say to me, anything at all?"

"No, Nothing at all," Snape replied with a blank face.

"Very well" Dumbledore stepped aside and allowed Snape to leave. He stood there for a while watching him go toward his office before walking toward Flitwick's office.