Ch 4-Settling In—Part 1

During the first two days of my stay at my new house, the only thing I did was eat, sleep and use the bathroom. I didn't even get up from my bed to eat, just had Kreacher bring me some fruit and packed biscuits and chips. While twelve years of fatigue didn't magically disappear in two days, by the third day my body still felt well-rested.

Before I went in search of a room to sleep in, I had ordered Kreacher to clean the house to make it habitable, so while he had tried to drag his feet, he had still done as he was ordered. I still didn't trust him enough to make my food though, that's why I only ordered him to buy me packed groceries, though I told him to leave the money on the counter this time.

The morning of my third day in this house, when the morning rays shined in my room I finally mustered up enough strength to get up. I went to the bathroom to finish my business and came out about 15 minutes later. There was a full-length mirror in the room so I stripped out of my clothes and stood in front of the mirror naked.

The only way to could describe my body was hideous. My hair was very long even though I took a very thorough bath, they were in clumps and did not look very healthy. My teeth had blackened from rot and were aching constantly. The jailors at Azkaban didn't even have the decency to provide their inmates with toothbrushes.

My whole body was thin like a stick, without an ounce of fat in sight, and every time I move all the bones inside of my body ached. My face was so gaunt it felt as if my eyes were going to pop out of my socket.

"Alright, man! You can do it!" I took a deep breath and thought that if anything can make recovery easier, it was magic.

I immediately wore some clothes, went downstairs, and started searching around the house for a particular place. I found what I was looking for just beside the kitchen, with a door on which the label "Potion Lab" was stuck.

I went into the room and looked around. While everything was a little dusty, nothing was broken or unusable. The only things missing were the ingredients, that could be easily procured, I closed my eyes and summoned the Black Grimoire.

It appeared in the air instantly floating for a moment before falling into my hands. I opened it while thinking about mainly three potions. A tooth regrowing potion, a hair-growing potion, and something to remove my malnutrition. I found the first two potions very quickly and luckily; there were spells written at the bottom for removing teeth and hair.

It took some time for me to choose between the many nutrition potion recipes in there. There were some options in there that were very tempting but had some unfortunate side effects. After a while, I chose the safest one among them. While that one required me to drink them daily for a whole month, along with regular exercise and diet. At least it didn't have the side-effect of leaving me blind for a week or making my nails disappear.

I waved my wand and silently conjured some parchment and a quill. I wrote down all the ingredients required and double-checked them.

"Kreacher!" I shouted, and the house-elf appeared immediately.

"Master called," he bowed, but before he could even start his usual mumbling, I interrupted him.

"Is there any place nearby, where you can get me some potion ingredients?"

"Yes, Master. There is a potion shop in the Littlealley,"

"What is Littlealley?"

"It is a small shopping alley for magical on this island,"

Kreacher explained to me that one of the reasons the manor was constructed here on this island was Littlealley, which had an antique shop that was famous for its artifacts. Kreacher had come here often when he was young with his father to serve Sirius's great aunt who liked tinkering with artifacts. I left the rest of the questions for later and got back to solving my current crisis.

"This is a list of potion ingredients," I said while passing the list to him, "Can you get them for me,"

"Yes, Master,"

"Then go, get them and remember to get twice the amount of everything," I ordered him and he disappeared with a pop immediately.

I didn't stay idle while waiting for him, I went into the potion lab and started cleaning all the equipment that would be required. I used my wand for most of them, but for some of them, I had to wash them with my hands because If I used magic on them, then it would change their properties and the quality of the potion would suffer.

I was a bit surprised when I looked into my memories and found out that Sirius was pretty good at potions, while not as good as lily or snape but he was the best out of the marauders, while Remus was very good in Potion theory, his sensitive smell made it hard for him to make potions. Sirius even got an O in his NEWT potion and he was the one who brewed the animagus potion for all of the marauders.

By the time I was done arranging the clean pieces of equipment on the table, Kreacher had reappeared with the ingredients. While I was taking out the ingredients, I asked him for their price out of curiosity and I was shocked at the amount that some of them cost. While the ingredients for teeth and hair regrowing were dirt cheap, some of the stuff required for the nutrition potion was damn expensive.

While it would not put even a little dent in my vault, still one batch of that potion costs almost 10 times the amount an average ministry employee makes in one month. I guess it must be one of the reasons they never give these potions at Hogwarts.

The first potion I made was the teeth regrowing because it would take the least amount of time as well as because my teeth hurt every time I try to eat something that is also the reason I haven't had breakfast yet.

I looked over the recipe about 5 times and arranged the ingredients according to the order I would need them. The most important step, Sirius had learned from his potion class, for making a successful potion was the preparation step. My hand skilfully diced and crushed the ingredients, and whenever the clock, which I had set precisely beforehand with a handy spell, rang I threw the required ingredients inside the cauldron without hesitation.

Half an hour later, after the fumes from the potion had been sucked into the exhaust. I poured the potion into the waiting flask and then stared at it waiting. About 5 minutes later it had cooled down and turned into a milky white color, exactly as mentioned in the recipe.

I didn't wait for even a moment and immediately performed the teeth-removing spell while pointing my wand toward my mouth. It was just a point-and-shoot spell so there was no complicated wand-waving involved. One second my mouth was full of rotten teeth and the next second all the teeth disappeared and I felt as if I was a 100-year-old man, it was a very weird feeling.

"Webb dere goed nodin," I spoke in old man's voice. It would be the first time I would be drinking a magical potion so my hands were shaking a little. I took a few deep breaths and took the potion in my hand before drinking from it in one go.

It tasted a little like milk that had gone bad, my mouth felt like I had drunk a glass full of glue. About 10 seconds later I started to feel the effect of the potion. My teeth started growing at a very fast rate. While it was not particularly painful, it was very uncomfortable, it felt as if a hundred ants were walking on my gums.

The effect of the potion lasted for about 15 minutes. The moment I stopped feeling the effects, I took out my and silently conjured a mirror and looked at my teeth. They were very white and straight, I had never seen such a perfect set of teeth. I couldn't stop my mouth from smiling widely. I laughed in relief for a full minute, I could finally eat without feeling pain.

Before brewing the other potion, I went out of the potion room, and toward the kitchen. I looked around for a while before finding packed biscuits. I sat at the dining table and ate them with relish.


If you want to read ahead go to pat reon. com/lazywizard

And check out my other work A Jon Snow SI