Ch-5 Surprise Part-1

The cool crisp morning air hit my face as I stopped stretching and began jogging around the park. The park was located about half a mile away from the Dursley home, not that the Dursleys have ever been to a park or even knew what a park was used for.

It was 5:30 in the morning so it was still a bit dark and not many people were in the park, only a handful of elderly and two girls about my age who regularly came here to train for either cheerleading or maybe gymnastics, I didn't know.

After warming up, I started my daily workout which mostly consisted of exercises Oliver used to make us do for quidditch training. I was doing a set of crunches when the two girls finished their training and passed by me, one of the girls said something to the other girl, who smiled at me, checked me out up and down, and gave me a wink before they went away giggling.

I immediately looked away in embarrassment and didn't look up until the giggling had completely gone away. I took a breath of relief when I realized that they had gone out of the park and went back to my crunches.

I was used to dealing with the stares of people around me since I turned 11 and entered the wizarding world but those stares were mostly directed at my scar in curiosity or at my eyes with recognization or pity. But I didn't how to deal with girls suddenly checking out my body, that had never happened before at Hogwarts.

A month ago those girls wouldn't have given me another look and would have passed me by without even acknowledging me with my oversized clothes but this summer that suddenly changed.

It was flattering in a way, but mostly terrifying because I didn't know how I was supposed to respond to that. And Sirius was not helpful at all, whenever I said something about it, all he would do is give me THE TALK and tell me to ask the girl out. As if it was that easy for me, considering I had almost never talked to a beautiful girl at length, well except for Hermione but she didn't like me like that and had never checked out my body as those girls did.

I completed the rest of my training in silence with complete concentration, I was mostly doing agility and core strength workout. Sirius had shown me some of the exercises that were used by Aurors to improve their dodging and I had incorporated them into my exercise routine.

About an hour later, I did some cooldown stretches and started walking home. I was almost halfway toward privet drive when I looked across the street and saw a grocery store. I stood there for a while hesitating before I took a deep breath and went into the store. After about 15 minutes of browsing, I came out of the store while carrying a couple of protein bars.

Sirius had given me the homework of spending a fixed amount of money every week. I almost never had money to spend before I was 11 and the Dursleys would rather dance naked in the streets before they take me into a store to buy me stuff so I've almost never bought stuff for myself. So it was weird for me to suddenly get pocket money and be told to go buy stuff.

The neighbors passing didn't glare at me anymore, some of them even greeted me good morning. I walked the rest of the way while eating the protein bar and musing about the month that had passed.

It all started a month ago when out of nowhere a beautiful white bird delivered a box and a mirror into my room. I would have thought that the things were cursed if not for Sirius's Letter attached to it. Ever since that day my life had completely turned around. I finally got to experience what having a proper guardian and having someone look out for you felt like. It had been the absolute best summer of my whole life.

I opened the front door slowly and tiptoed inside after closing the door behind me. The Dursleys have given me a wide birth ever since Sirius had a talk with them. I didn't know what Sirius had said to them because Sirius had asked me to leave the room after putting the mirror in front of them when I came back into Sirius had that intense look in his eyes and all the Dursleys were sitting on their chairs pale with fear.

I was almost at the stairs when I heard someone moving inside the kitchen. Aunt Petunia must have woken up early to prepare breakfast. I quickly went inside my room and took his towel and brush before quickly leaving toward the bathroom, he wanted to finish his morning routine before Dudley woke up and posters him again.

About two days after I got the mirror and box, Sirius started giving me a glass filled with green liquid, along with dinner every night. At first, he said it was a protein shake, but as the days passed, my body started sprouting up and I actually grew biceps. I always had abs because of quidditch practice but it was the first time I had muscles that could be visible through clothes. By the end of two weeks, I almost had the physique of Captain America from Dudley's comics.

I finally cornered Sirius and asked him about the green juice and he finally told me that it was a nutrition potion that he was taking to recover from Azkaban and that he had made two batches. He had suspected that I had been starved in my childhood but didn't want to ask awkward questions and find out later that he was just thin not malnourished.

Anyway seeing the changes that had happened to me the previous month, Dudley had started begging me to give him some of the magic potions so that he could have a body like mine. He started to suck up to me by giving me chocolates, his comics, and video games. I didn't how to deal with this sudden change so I just accepted his things and said that I look for a magic potion to give slim him down.

I had just reentered my room and was drying my hair with a towel when the small mirror on my desk started shining blue and ringing, I put the towel down and sat on my desk before taking the mirror into my hands.

"Accept," I said and the blank mirror turned into Sirius's face.

"Hey, pup. Are you back from your yoga with the hot chicks," Sirius teased with a smirk.

"I don't do yoga with them," I said trying to keep my face from getting red, "I've never even talked to them,"

"Oh... So you do want to talk to them," Sirius asked while dancing his eyebrows up and down.

"ugh... Anyway, what's for breakfast," I asked changing the subject.

"What's for breakfast, Remus?" he shouted while turning around and looking toward the kitchen. Sirius was sitting at the dining table and was holding the mirror in his hands.

"Fried eggs and bacon," Professor Lupin shot back outside of view. About two weeks into the summer Sirius had sent a letter to his friend and called him over to live with him and since then the taste of breakfast had improved tremendously because food made by magic was quite bland in taste.

"Well, you heard him," Sirius said while looking back into the mirror, "Oh before I forget, have you had weird dreams since the last one,"

"No, ever since last week, I've been mostly having dreamless sleep," I replied back gratefully. I had told Sirius about my having dreams of Voldemorts and the very next day he started teaching me a very advanced art called Occlumency. Every night before going to sleep Sirius would call me on my mirror and we would both sit in meditation and try to clear our minds, the first step of the art.

It had really helped that I was not practicing it alone, otherwise, I would have fallen asleep midway through. I don't know if he was just trying to keep me company or as he said that he was just trying to get his occlumency back on track, but I was really grateful for the full night's sleep.

"Alright, breakfast is ready," Remus arrived while levitating a couple of plates with his wand, "Oh, Good Morning Harry," he said when he noticed me in the mirror.

"Good Morning, Professor Lupin,"

"I've told you before Harry," he said with a kind smile, "I am not your Professor any longer, you can call me Remus,"

"Or Moony," Sirius quipped while taking a couple of plates and placing them inside a box.

"Yes, Remus," I said a bit uncomfortably, after all only last term he was my DADA professor. I placed the mirror against the wall while saying enlarge and the runes on it lit up and it became the size of a TV. I brought the vanishing box out from under the desk and placed it on the table. I opened the box and took out the plates, that Sirius had just placed inside the box on his side, before arranging them on the desk.

"Alright let's eat," Sirius cheerfully shouted putting a big piece of bacon in his mouth. Remus and I simultaneously rolled our eyes and started having breakfast. We talked about some casual stuff while eating, it was mostly me listening to them tell stories about my Mom and Dad.

"Hey Sirius," I asked after a while, "Dudley had been pestering me about the "protein shake" that you gave me,"

"The only drink I'll give that pig is a glass full of poison," Sirius said with a dark smile.

"Sirius!" Remus admonished Sirius with a light slap on the back of his head.

"Alright, geez," Sirius said while rubbing his head, "If not poison, then how about some laxatives, I am sure Kreacher's got some of those lying around,"

"Ignore him, Harry," Remus said, "The only reason you've grown so fast was that your magic was suppressing your body's natural development because of insufficient nutrients, so the potion only gave you the body that you were supposed to have after doing three years of training for quidditch. I mean look at Sirius, he only got back the body he had before Azkaban not a model like such as yours because unlike you I don't think he did much running back then,"

"Hey, I resent that," Sirius said pointing a finger at him, "You don't know how hard it was to run after all those chicks,"

"Or run away from them," Remus retorted, "After you broke their hearts,"

Remus and I laughed loudly at the speechless Sirius. The rest of the breakfast passed away like that before I put the empty plates back inside the vanishing box.

After Remus took those plates and went away toward the kitchen, Sirius suddenly turned toward him.

"Anyway, have you completed your potion assignment yet," Sirius asked him while folding his hands, trying to look serious.

"No, but I'll complete it later,"

"Tut...Tut... tut..." Sirius said while shaking his head, "You've been postponing that for a while now. Look, you have already completed all the rest of your assignments, if you do this then you're free for the rest of your holidays,"

"But it's so boring," I said with a groan while sliding down into my chair, "and it's not like snape will ever give anything more than a Poor,"

"You're not doing this for that Snivellus," Sirius said with disgust, "you're doing this for yourself, potions are a very important part of a wizard's life,"

Sirius looked at me for a while in consideration before he said, "Tell you what, if you don't complete your potion assignment by tomorrow then no treacle tart for a week,"

"What! NO! That's not fair," I said, sitting up in my chair. Sirius and Remus have completely spoiled me by always making dishes I liked, Now I don't think I could even survive a week without my favorite dessert.

"Well, life's not fair, pup," Sirius said while rolling his eyes, "Come on get on with it. Maybe I could even help you out a bit,"

"You always say that, but the only thing you do is tell me which book to read," I said while opening my potion assignment extremely reluctantly.

"Well, you know what your mother used to say to me whenever I asked for her help in our final year," Sirius said reminiscing and capturing my attention instantly, "If your brain doesn't burn, then how will you learn,"

I looked down for a while to try and hide the sudden tears in my eyes, there were so few things I knew about my mother that every single one of them made me feel as if my heart was going to burst with emotions.

"Thank you, Sirius," I said quietly before taking a deep breath and looking up.

"Anytime kid,"

I nodded my head and opened my poison assignment with a newfound resolve. For the next hour, I worked on my potion assignment with maximum concentration outside of some breaks and occasionally asked for some help from Sirius.


To read ahead go to pat reon. com/lazywizard

Check out my other fanfic A Jon Snow SI