Ch 6-Shopping—Part 1

I was sitting on my bed, trying to become a Level 2 occlumens, and I was very close to it, so I was concentrating with all my might. I had already achieved the state of emptiness two times consecutively that morning, so just one more time and I would be good to go.

What am I talking about? Well to know that you would have to read the Black Grimoire. You don't have one, you say? Don't worry, I'll tell you what I found in it a month ago.

According to the Black Grimoire, there were basically 4 levels that one might achieve in the art of Occlumency.

Level 1, or a Beginner Occlumens is a person who has just started practicing in the art and cannot achieve the state where his mind is empty of all thought at will or takes more than an hour to achieve it. Even a novice Legilimens could perceive the thoughts and emotions of this person.

Level 2, or an Apprentice Occlumens is a person who is quite familiar with the art and can enter the state of emptiness at will in under an hour. Whenever they have to meet with potential Legilimens, they prepare their shields in advance and make it harder for their surface thoughts to be read, they can also detect intrusion. A skilled Legilimens could easily break the fragile shields of an Apprentice Occlumens.

Level 3, or a Skilled Occlumens is someone who can enter the state of emptiness at the drop of a hat and have very respectable shields so it would take a Master Legilimens for them to give up information. Most people consider this to be the peak of Occlumency, these people can somewhat alter their own memories to get away from incriminating themselves but it would always be a sloppy job.

Level 4, or a Master Occlumens are so rare that they are considered to be a myth. These people have such iron discipline over their thoughts, emotions, and memories that it is said that even the most accomplished Legilimens cannot get inside their shields, and even if they do get inside they could never be sure that the information that they acquired is correct or not because a Master Oclummens can create fake memories at will

Sadly, even after searching for a while inside the Grimoire, I could find no mention of a technique where you could create a Fortress with guns and Nuclear bombs, inside your mindscape. So, unfortunately, all those fanfics I read were not useful at all.

Before being incarcerated in Azkaban, Sirius was a somewhat decent Level 2 Occlumens, but being so close to the soul-sucking wraiths for over a decade destroyed whatever Occlumency he had left. So when I took over, I had to start from scratch but luckily because of some bullshit reason I had really a smooth journey until now.

I've only been going for a month and I was already about to become an L2 Occlumens which normally takes about 5 to 6 months on average. The hypothesis I had come up with for this is that when I took over Sirius's body our souls got mixed up and that made it easy for me when it comes to magic involving the mind.

I was suddenly startled out of my concentration by a minute sound, I opened my eyes and looked around for a moment and found what had woken me up cleaning the chandelier above the bed with a cloth, reminding me eerily of someone else from the movies.

"Kreacher, Is this your way of getting rid of me," I asked in a completely calm tone.

"Of course, not Master," Kreacher said with an evil smile, (or maybe that's just his face,), "Kreacher cannot kill his master that is not possible. Kreacher came to wake up Master but found a bit of dust here and thought that Master would be happy If I cleaned it,"

As the days passed and Kreacher stayed away from the Grimmauld Palace as well as the Horcrux for an extended period of time, he became saner and saner. He stopped muttering under his breath, stood straighter, and looked healthier, so I started hoping that he would become a normal elf sometime in the future, but then he goes and does stupid stuff like this and I think that maybe I am just seeing things.

"Go do something else, Kreacher," I said while shaking my legs to wake them up. Kreacher disappeared and appeared beside the bed and started following me as I made my way to the bathroom.

"But Master, the wolf will not let Kreacher into the Kitchen, and Kreacher has already cleaned all the rooms in the house,"

"Why don't you go and..." I stood at the door thinking about stuff that he could do and came up blank. After a few minutes of brainstorming, I said the first thing that came to my mind, "Try to revive the run-down greenhouses behind the manor,"

"What does the master want me to grow there," Kreacher asked while standing a bit attentive.

"Um... Whatever you used to grow for the Blacks," I said without thinking much and Kreacher immediately vanished. 'That ought to keep him occupied for a while,' I thought while going inside the bathroom.

I came out about 15 minutes later and after changing into some workout clothes went downstairs. My workout clothes were basically made from resizing clothes, that Kreacher got for me from the Grimmauld Palace, with magic. There aren't really any good clothes shops on this island, so I haven't been able to buy clothes for myself yet.

I went into the dueling room that was in the deepest part of the Manor and found that Remus was already there reading a book on a chair in the corner of the room.

"You are late," He said when he saw me walk inside the room, he got up and went to stand inside the dueling ring.

"I am sorry," I said while running through stretches and warm-up exercises, "I got caught up in my Occlumency training,"

After a while, my body had been sufficiently loosened up and I went to stand opposite Remus. We both had our wands in our hands and were standing in the standard dueler's position.

Remus started the duel without any warning, with a salvo of basic spells like stunners, banishing and piercing charms, etc. I created a shield in front of me but tried to not let any of his spells hit it and instead opted to dodge them.

After I had gotten into the grove, I looked for an opportunity to retaliate and when Remus stopped for a second after a chain, I started to return fire but instead of spells meant to incapacitate I sent a volley of prank spells that were meant to create opportunities for me to send the real artillery. The reason I used these spells was that Sirius had a lot of practice with these and the instinct for them was ingrained in the body.

When Remus was a bit late to dodge a tripping spell, I immediately seized the opportunity and sent a quick chain of blinding, stunning, and banishing spells. While trying to regain his balance Remus created a somewhat shaky shield but it only managed to take two of the spells before the banishing spell hit him straight in the chest and he went flying.

"Looks like I draw the first blood today," I said while holding my wand like a gunslinger and blowing off imaginary gunsmoke.

"Yes, Someone seems to have completely recovered from his trip to the Ghost island," Remus said while standing up and taking a ready position, "It seems I won't have to hold back anymore,"

He didn't wait for my answer and immediately started a barrage of spells and it seems he really had been holding back, his speed had increased by almost double and he didn't just use charms this time but sprinkled battle transfiguration here and there as a distraction.

It was all I could do to defend myself, but I didn't want to give up so I put my all into dodging and shielding and just gave up on offense. I lost that duel, but won the next one by a hair margin, due to overpowering a couple of shield breakers.

It went like that for about 45 minutes before Remus started breathing a bit heavily and put his hands up to call for a stop.


Check out my other fic A Jon Snow SI

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