Ch 10- Oh Shit... Part-2

Harry felt a sudden chill behind him but when he looked back, the only thing he saw was Hermione going toward the castle. So he dismissed it as the morning wind and went toward Ron who had arrived at the field and was standing there with a broom and a couple of quaffles.

"Alright! let's get right into it," Harry said while picking up his Firebolt and taking off into the air with Ron just behind him.

After a couple of warm-up circles around the field, Harry started going through some of the quidditch drills he did with the Gryffindor team, Ron following behind him and trying to keep up and while he messed up a couple of times, he did admiringly well for his first time going through the drills.

Harry guessed that having three brothers who had been on the Gryffindor team must have paid off. After they had gotten into the groove, they started the actual practice with Harry playing the chaser and Ron goalkeeping.

About 15 minutes later, as Harry was throwing a quaffle for Ron to defend, he saw on the other side of the field behind Ron, Hermione coming toward them. But the thing was that she wasn't alone, Lavender was coming along with her which was part of the plan but what wasn't part of the plan was that Ginny and Parvati were there with them.

"Ron, don't look back but Lavender is here," Harry whispered while throwing a quaffle toward Ron, who fumbled with the ball while looking back which immediately got him flustered.

"Come on, Ron. Focus!" Harry sharply said, "Don't get nervous now. You are going to compliment her just like we practiced,"

"No way!" Ron hissed back, "I can't do that in front of Ginny and Padma,"

"But that's what makes it even better," Harry appeased him with some bullshit, "She will be even happier if you compliment her in front of other girls,"

"Really..." Ron asked unsurely.

"Yes, Of course," Harry nodded before taking the quaffle into his hands and saying, "Now I am going to throw this ball straight toward them so you're going to go there to get the ball and you know what to do next. Alright! Ready! Set Go!"

Harry immediately threw the quaffle which Ron missed whether intentionally or unintentionally, Harry didn't know but it sailed straight toward the steps where the girls were sitting.

"I'll get that," Ron said loudly while flying his broom smoothly away from Harry.

Ron flew down to get the quaffle from the ground and looked up as if surprised to see the girls sitting there, and said, "Hey lavender,"

"Hi Ron," Lavender replied automatically, a bit surprised at being suddenly greeted.

"Did you do something with your hair, Lavender? They look really pretty," Ron said.

"Yeah I did," Lavender perked up at the compliment, "I got a new cut from a muggle beautician over the summer, thanks for seeing that, Ron. You are really observant," She smiled at him before turning and immediately glared at Parvati sitting beside her, "—unlike someone who said it wasn't noticeable at all,"

"Ah... I just noticed that you really looked beautiful that's all. By then," Ron rushed through his words before abruptly zooming away on his broom with the quaffle, his face getting redder with time.

"See you did just fine," Harry said after Ron came to a stop in front of him, "I told you that Hermione's information would be useful,"

"FINE! Do I look Fine?" Ron said, "I am seconds away from losing my grip and falling straight to the ground,"

He wasn't exaggerating as Ron's hands looked really sweaty and his face had also turned maroon like the color of Mrs. Weasley's sweaters, as he mumbled under his breath"I can't believe I did that, it was so embarrassing,"

"Well I think you did alright, and now that the first part of the plan is complete—" Harry started but before he could complete his sentence, he suddenly felt a chill against his chest, and when he looked down he saw that the shirt he was wearing had vanished.

Before Harry could comprehend the reason why he suddenly turned shirtless, he suddenly heard girlish shrieks from the ground and when he looked down he found the trio of girls screaming and jumping while pointing and looking at his body happily.

Harry turned completely red as he immediately escaped from there and flew towards the changing room with the fastest speed his firebolt could handle.

By the time he entered the changing room, his embarrassment had receded so he was able to notice that he could still feel the quidditch jersey he was wearing on his skin, so the jersey had just turned invisible but was still there.

Harry started to wonder whose prank he had fallen under, because while this prank had twins written all over it, he hadn't seen them that day yet, so it couldn't be them.

While he was trying to work out the culprit's identity, the door of the changing room flew open behind him and when he turned around he saw his new girlfriend standing there with a smirk on her face, and all the pieces immediately fell into their place.

Harry suddenly understood why she had asked him to not ask how she would get the job done or why he wouldn't like it.

"You—" Harry was speechless and astonished as he never expected that his girlfriend could manage to pull a prank worthy of the Marauders.

"Now, Don't look at me like that," She said defensively, "I warned you that you may not like what I would have to do to get Lavender down on the quidditch ground. And the only thing I could think of was to entice her with a show of my boyfriend's sexy physique. So I told her that the twins were about to pull a prank on you and she could get a free show..."

"And what about Ginny and Parvati?"

"Well... So when I was tricking Lavender, Ginny and Parvati happened to be passing by and after hearing about it, they obviously wanted in, so one thing led to another..." Hermione finished with an innocent look in her eyes.

"You sound awfully smug about that," Harry accused her while looking at his complacent girlfriend with narrowed eyes.

"I am not smug...It's just now that I can feel the satisfaction of a well-executed prank. I understand the twins a lot better," She said with a sigh of triumph.

"Well, you know that there are consequences for some pranks..."Harry said darkly while stalking towards Hermione like a predator, "You used me for your entertainment—so now you're going to have to pay for that..."

"Umm..."Hermione gulped while slowly backing away toward the closed door as her shirtless boyfriend came close to her, and suddenly her confidence from before left her as she started feeling a lot less sure about her prank...


To read ahead go to ==> pat reon. com/ lazywizard

And check out my other fic The Warg Lord