Ch 12 Homework? Part-3

Sirius closed his eyes and after a few calming breaths, came out of his half-grim form. While he had been continuously training his new animagus form they still cost him a lot of stamina, which meant he could only maintain them for so long.

While he could stay in his grim animagus form for as long as he wanted. When he turned into his half-grim form, he could only last for about an hour, and for the Cerberus form, which he had nicknamed, Beerus, he could stay in it for about 30 minutes.

Speaking of his Beerus form, Sirius decided to try one more thing. He closed his eyes and in almost a blink turned into Padfoot. In his canine form, he approached the ward and stopped just before the point where he had last seen the ward line. He raised one of his paws and carefully tried to move it through the barrier, and he passed through without any problem.

He turned back into his human form with a smile of satisfaction, Sirius had almost expected that the ward wouldn't stop his animagus form, as from his memories he knew that being an animagus was very rare.

While a lot of people start the process to become an animagus, very few of them see it through to the end, and seeing as they only get a single chance in their life to become an Animagus, its rarity was expected.

So it was very rare that people make their ward Animagus-proof while drawing them, and considering that even places like Hogwarts and Azkaban don't stop Animagi, it was very understandable.

"Well, at least I have a backup plan, in case it doesn't work out,"

A lot of the tension in his shoulders went away after finding two ways of leaving the ward. But instead of using any of them and escaping right away, Sirius turned around and went toward where the books were scattered.

Ultimately the purpose of this trip had been to learn so while he may have gotten here in a way that wasn't very likable, he still decided to follow through with the assignments he had been given by the Expert.

He sat on the ground comfortably and picked up the first book Beth had pointed towards. There was no title written on the cover so he immediately went to the first page and started reading.

The first book was mostly about all the things you need to know about the basics of the wards, things like:

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In short, this was a "Wards simplified for the stupid," and that wasn't what Sirius thought. It was actually a quote on the first page of the book. It was also at that moment Sirius realized that the book was actually written by Beth from her experience over the years, which made sense as he didn't remember seeing it when he searched for books on Warding.

About half an hour into his reading, Sirius groaned as he realized that he had only read about four pages of it, and of those he could say that he was able to understand only half of it. Every single sentence was filled with a lot of information that took him at least three tries to barely comprehend, it was like that one time when he was in high school and tried to read a Post Graduate Medical Text.

Sirius didn't think that he would be able to even read half of the first book by the time the ward shrinks if he went at this rate.

Just when Sirius was feeling down, he suddenly remembered a concept that was used in various Harry Potter fanfictions. The concept was that after the Main Character learns Occlumency, they suddenly become some kind of genius and immediately start comprehending NEWT books at the age of four.

So Sirius immediately decide that it wouldn't hurt to try, so he quickly closed his eyes and tried to raise his occlumency. It took him about 15 minutes before all the thoughts and emotions in his mind went numb and he was able to access his most optimal state.

He opened his eyes slowly and picked up the book with a blank look and started reading from the start. And almost immediately, he was able to see an enormous difference.

His focus had improved exponentially after all the distractive thoughts inside his head had disappeared. The previous hard-to-understand text become a lot more comprehensible, and he was even able to connect paragraphs on different pages to comprehend on a deeper level.

About half an hour later, when Sirius had almost read about1/4th of the first book, a sharp pain suddenly went through his mind as if a needle was stabbing inside his skull.

"Ugh," Sirius groaned while grabbing his head as he was involuntarily pulled out of his Occlumency state. As he looked down at his hands, he was shocked to realize that his nails were sharpened like when he was in his half-grim form.

It took a while before Sirius was able to gather himself and understand what had happened. While at the start of his study session, he was only in his normal Occluded state, midway through he unconsciously accessed his half-grim which enhanced his mental strength by a lot and inadvertently improved his learning capabilities.

So he unintentionally went over the limit of his half-grim form while using occlumency, which completely exhausted his mental energy.

Sirius fell on his back and while lying there just concentrated on breathing and looking at the scattered rays of sunlight streaming through the canopy above him. About 25 minutes later Sirius felt that he had recovered enough of his strength for another go at the book.

He immediately went back to the book and tried to repeat what had happened the first time. After a couple of tests with his Occlumency while in his half-grim form and without his form, he was able to conclude some facts.

In his normal state, he was only able to focus about 30% of his mind on the texts before him and his comprehension abilities were abysmal. And after he used occlumency, he could utilize almost 60% of his mental faculties, double of his normal state to concentrate.

But the cherry on the top was that if he used his half-grim state along with Occlumency, it felt as if he had applied a cheat code and discovered a hidden function, as he was able to use 95% of his brain, which was completely absurd.

"Looks, like it's going to be a lot easier than I thought," Sirius said while looking at the books in front of him. Sirius was sure that Beth would not expect him to be able to comprehend these books at the speed he could.


Check out my other fic: The Warg Lord

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