Ch 13 I Passed!! Part 2

The first person he called was his Roommate Remus, he told Remus that he may not arrive at the manor for a few days as he was busy doing something. While Remus didn't know exactly what he was doing, as Dumbledore insisted that the fewer people knew about the Horcrux the better, he knew that he was on a mission that Dumbledore knew about, so he didn't ask too many questions.

The signal was a bit spotty as Remus's image inside the mirror kept on flickering and since Remus was busy with his job at the Artifact shop, they didn't talk for very long, and Sirius ended the call after a few minutes.

He still had no idea where the forest he was in actually was, hell he didn't even know if he was still in Britain or not, but considering the mirror wasn't working very well, one thing he knew was that he was very far from his manor.

The mirrors the marauders had initially created during their school years were made using cheap materials so their range was very limited, they were mostly useful for talking between different detentions or at most could be used around Hogwarts.

Of course when the war started Lily improved the design a lot by using better and more expensive materials along with her genius skills. The mirror Sirius had lying around Number 12 Grimmauld Place was actually the one created by lily, and he was sure that it was also the one Sirius had given to Harry before his death in canon.

Remus had used that one as a prototype to create the new ones, so he had given the original ones to Harry, knowing that he would cherish them a lot.

But no matter how improved the mirror was from the first prototype there was still a range beyond which its magic started weakening and the images began going a bit wonky.

Sirius still hadn't recovered his mental strength completely yet so he called the next person in his imaginary phone book. Considering that it was about 5 PM in the evening he knew that the classes would have been over by now and he would be free to pick up his call.

"Hey, Sirius," Harry's cheerful voice sounded the second his face appeared in the mirror. He had changed a lot from the skinny boy he had seen on the back of Buckbeak.

"Harry, How are you—," Sirius started but stopped when he noticed something and immediately asked seriously "Are you inside a broom closet?"

"Umm... Yeah," Harry said looking around himself, "I went into the closest one when I noticed your call,"

"Is that really so?" Sirius suspiciously said while rubbing his finger under his chin, "Or did I disturb you during your rendevous with your girlfriend, Were you going to do naughty things people usually do in these Broom Cupboards... Huh,"

"W-What are you talking about?" Harry stuttered before he looked away and said blushing, "I never went into a cupboard with Hermione,"

"Oh! But you must want to," Sirius said in a whisper, "Do you need your GodFather to give you some advice? You may not know this but I spent a lot of my time in those closets during my school years,"

"Ugh... Stop it," Harry groaned before he suddenly looked up, "But I do need your advice about something,"

"I am sure you're trying to change the subject, but I'll allow it," Sirius nodded magnanimously, "What seems to be the problem,"

Harry explained to him using many words but the gist of the situation was this, The Triwizard Tournament had been announced, and while discussing that during the class with their friend circle which had expanded to include Lavender and her roommate Parvati, they had bought up the Yule Ball.

That was when Ron and Harry found out what the robes Mrs. Weasley had packed with their things were for, and almost immediately Ron had gone into a depression since the robes he had wouldn't look out of place in the Death Day party they had gone in their Second year.

And because of that, his self-confidence had taken a sudden hit, causing him to lose all the progress he had made with Lavender over the past few weeks with Harry's aid.

"... And I am sure that if I even suggest buying him some new ones, he would respond negatively. He doesn't really handle all the money stuff very well... So I don't know what to do," Harry finished with a sigh. This year his friendship with his two best friends had improved more than ever and he didn't want to leave his friend in a situation if he could help it.

"You know Harry, you're looking at it the wrong way," Sirius said after he contemplated for a while, "You are looking at it like a problem, instead you should look at it as an opportunity,"

"Opportunity? How?" Harry asked tilting his head.

"Say, from the way you described this chick—Lavender. I would say she is one of those who keeps up with all the latest style and always has a fashion magazine or two in her hands," Harry thought and immediately nodded as the image of Lavender was quite accurate, "So I would say that you should convince Ron to ask for help from Lavender,"

Harry nodded and Sirius continued, "They should take the project of improving the dress robes using magic together. Taking advice from her would make her very happy and as the amount of time, they spend together increases. I am sure eventually sparks will start to fly..."

"That's brilliant, Sirius," Harry said in awe.

"Of course, it is," Sirius said basking in his godson's praise for a while before he waved his hand and asked, "But enough about Ron, Tell me, have you reached second base yet?"

"NO!" He shook his head rapidly.

"Don't tell me you went all the way already," Sirius asked shocked before he said in wonder, "My! My! I never knew you were so quick Harry," he changed his voice to a solemn one, "As Padfoot, one of the founding Marauders, I can say with absolute certainty that you have made us proud..."

"Ugh... Stop it," Harry said his face steaming like a tomato, "Oh...Looks like someone is calling me, I got to go. Bye Sirius," Harry hastily said and the image vanished.

"Ah... That was fun," Sirius mumbled with a sigh of satisfaction, it felt great to tease someone who gave such amusing reactions.


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Check out my other fic : The Warg Lord