The Fall Part-3

"NOT AGAINN—" Sirius's scream was abruptly cut off as he was thrown onto the ground by the portkey he had been handed by his crazy mentor.

"Ugh..." He groaned while getting up from the ground where he had fallen face down. Due to the portkey starting abruptly, Sirius didn't keep his hands tucked and wasn't able to land on his feet. He could feel the rough earth below him but it was so dark that he wasn't able to see anything.


Sirius chanted after taking out his wand even though he was pretty proficient in silent magic. Something about the darkness made him want to chant instead of casting magic silently.

Looking around using his wand light Sirius saw that he was in some kind of underground tunnel with only the way in front of him open because there was nothing behind him except for a dead end.

The first thing Sirius tried was all the different ways to escape that he knew of, from apparating to creating a portkey, in fact, he even tried calling for Kreacher but alas none of them worked. It felt the space in this place was frozen or maybe there were anti-apparition and anti-portkey wards placed around.

"That crazy bit—" Sirius stopped mid-curse when his wand shined on the earthen wall on his left side. He went close and found that there was writing on the wall.




"That woman is just too fond of these random tests..." Sirius mumbled while thinking that the only option left for him was to just, "... Go through with this shit,"

Before starting his journey into the unknown Sirius first summoned a big ball of light which immediately started hovering in front of him. It was a modified Lumos that was brighter and would always be in front of him no matter how fast he went plus it freed his wand so it was very useful.

Sirius took a deep breath and after praying to Merlin (since he was in Wizarding World,) started walking down the underground labyrinth.

He had stretched his senses to the limit and was walking with complete vigilance, with his fingers tight around his wand ready for anything.

After about 10 minutes of nothing happening, he came across an open space with three different paths leading from there. All three paths were of the same height and width, with the same all-encompassing darkness, which made them indistinguishable from each other.

But fortunately, Sirius had learned a spell that was ready-made exactly for situations like this.

"Ostende similiter"

He chanted while waving his wand in an oval shape that contained all three paths in front of him. And he got a reaction almost immediately when two of the three paths shone brightly.

This spell basically showed a person which of the various path in front of him/her is connected because if they were connected in a place like this then it would most likely mean that if he took one of these passages it would lead him straight back here.

He immediately took the third path which wasn't shining and started walking steadily with his wand held in front of him. An obstacle made itself known very quickly this time on this path.

A minute or two into the tunnel he looked ahead to find that a wide portion of the path had disappeared creating a square-shaped hole.

When he was close enough and looked down in the hole, the only thing he could see was the darkest of darkness, even under the shine of the light ball nothing was visible to him.

"When you gaze into that abyss, it gazes back, and it tells you what you are made of,' I kind of understand that saying now..." Sirius mumbled while fascinatingly staring at the darkness.

But the hole actually wasn't wide enough that a muggle couldn't easily jump across and just go on his merry little way.

Of course, the faint pressure Sirius felt against his brand-new awareness dissuaded him from the notion that Beth would make it so simple. And sure enough, when he whipped out his wand and cast the detection spell, a positive response unsurprisingly came back.

On a deeper inspection, he found that there was a very basic Basic illusion Ward in front of him that interchanges the images of two locations with each other.

So the place where he was seeing the drop wasn't actually a drop but solid ground instead and the actual fall started at the place where the visible hole ended. So if he had jumped while believing in his eyes, he would have jumped over solid ground straight down into the hole.

"What a nasty trick..." Sirius said while bending down to verify his findings with his hands. Sure enough, he could feel the rough earth with his hands at the place where all his eyes could see was unending darkness.

Sirius took a deep breath and slowly started walking one step at a time. It felt as if he was walking on one of those glass floors in those huge towers from his previous.

"Don't Look Down! Don't Look Down! Don't Look Down!"

But he was too curious and made the mistake of looking down when he was about halfway across and the second he saw nothing beneath his feet except for the unending fall, his stomach started flip-flopping as he felt goosebumps rise all over his skin.

"Oh shit! Oh, Shit!" Sirius cursed while taking deep breaths, "Never be curious about these, "Everybody knows curiosity killed the cat!"

It took a while for him to calm down but he resumed after a while and completed the rest of the path. It was just that his legs were a little wobbly and his neck was frozen stiff with his eyes locked staring straight ahead.

He threw a detection spell on the other side and after finding the place where the solid ground was, he jumped across without wasting a single moment.

"F**K! Yes!" Sirius excitedly said when he successfully reached the other side. Even though he overshot a bit Sirius didn't mind that "Hah... that wasn't so hard,"

"If every obstacle is like this, then maybe I'll be able to complete this before dinner," Sirius chuckled to himself while walking ahead, "Will Beth be shocked if I complete her test a little early," he muttered to himself a little smugly, "Maybe that'll show her that's it's not so easy to fool meeeeeEEEEHHH—" the ground under him suddenly gave way and Sirius started to fall straight down.

The last thing on his mind was why he wasn't able to feel any magic from this trap.


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