How's it hanging? Part 3

The woman was one of those rare ones who you only need to see from the back to know that she would be a pretty one.

"Gran! Misty!" She called out but she had no better success than Sirius had a while back, "Where the f**k could they have gone at this time of the day..." she irritatedly mumbled to herself.

Sirius was confused for a moment about why in Merlin's name had the woman not noticed him yet before he looked around and immediately got the reason.

The sofa he was seated on was located in the furthest corner of the living room and it was placed in such a way that it was hidden from anyone coming into the hallway by a half-wall filled with decorative items like vases and pottery and anyone standing in the living room would have to turn 180 degrees to even notice him.

Sirius was just about to open his mouth and make his presence known to the lady when she said some words that killed whatever he was about to say in his mouth.

"Ugh... I'll just take a shower and think about calling her later..." The lady mumbled to herself and didn't waste a single moment as she started unzipping the zipper of her jacket.

Now Sirius had a lot of memories of naked women both from this one and from his previous so it wasn't to say that he was someone whose mind was ruled by his di*k, but on the other hand... he was a healthy man with healthy needs and when a situation like this presented itself without any input of his own, his inner voice started screaming at the top of its lungs not to waste it, "if you find a free ticket on the road, you take it and go watch that show,"

After she was done removing her jacket the lady moved on to her T-Shirt.

Sirius tried to convince himself with all his might that he was a gentleman at his core and that he shouldn't be watching this and that it was wrong but the words just wouldn't leave his mouth no matter what.

And it wasn't completely Sirius's fault either as the body before him was the epitome of perfection, the woman had all the right stuff in all the right places giving her a body sensuous enough to make anyone's jaw drop regardless of their gender.

Sirius would even go as far as to say that she had a better body than Appoline and that was saying something considering the other person was a veela.

The lady lost her shirt as he was monologuing and then went for the bra.

Now, here Sirius woke himself and thought that if it went any further than this then it would be irreversible and he didn't want that so he gathered up all his will from his deepest point and said the word that went against his entire being


Sirius felt as if he had accomplished something major as if his will had leveled up but unfortunately he wasn't given much time to dwell on that.

The girl's reaction was in a single word like 'Lightning,' as the moment she heard an unknown voice behind her she turned her torso in an instant, and with her wand jumping into her hand from her holster, she immediately sent a powerful stunner accurately for Sirius's head.

Thankfully Sirius's instincts were equally sharp as he dodged the spell by inches as he rolled off but her spells didn't stop after the first one and kept on coming which meant that he kept on rolling to evade them until his wand sprang into his hands.

He didn't waste a single moment and immediately cast a very sturdy shield in front of him but the lady before him wasn't a run-of-the-mill witch as her spells were powerful enough that it took only two or three of them to fill his shield with cracks.

"Wait! Wait! It's a misunderstanding," Sirius said while trying to evade as much as possible, "I am Beth's guest and not a thief..." He said it as fast as he could as the ward around the living room had started giving off a purple hue when the spell fire had started, it seemed like a warning system telling them to stop firing spells inside and Sirius didn't want to find out what would happen if they didn't.

"Says the guy who was hiding and has a F**ing Glamour on his face!" she said with narrowed eyes while not letting up for even a moment, "Stop dodging! You Pervert! Thief!"

Sirius's eyes widened as he didn't know how she was able to catch his glamour when she had seen him for less than a minute.

"Would you just wait and let me explain for a moment..." Sirius said as he renewed his shield for the fourth time.

And she wasn't casting the same spells either but was instead varying her spells every few seconds while making use of ample shield breakers which meant that he had to come with a new counter shield every time and it didn't help with his concentration that the pretty blonde was fighting in a bra.

"Just let me capture you and maybe then I'll listen," she said, spitting each word with a new spell.

"Why would I do that—" Sirius ducked under a particularly nasty purple spell that passed through his shield like it wasn't there, "Sweet Merlin! Just calm down for a moment!"

"Don't tell me what to do,"

Sirius didn't know why he said it but that was just such a generic thing for her to say that his reply was automatically equally generic, "Is it that time of your month or something?"

But the second the words left his mouth Sirius immediately knew in his heart that it was the wrong thing to say.

The spellfire stopped at that moment and the room turned tranquil, and in that calm atmosphere the woman looked him straight in the eyes and announced in an ominous voice with a scary smile, "You're dead!"

If Sirius thought that the previous spellfire was heavy then this new one was in a completely different league as under this bombardment, he was barely able to keep up.

Her casting speed, the power behind her spell, everything started going up a notch and her spells went from incapacitating ones to those that would just barely keep him alive.

Siriu knew that he would lose sooner or later if he kept on defending like this and while he felt bad for attacking as it was technically his fault but the lady didn't look she was ready to let up and listen anytime soon so Sirius decided that he would use his half-grim form.

Thankfully before he could start and give his trump card away, the purple hue of the ward that had started blinking dangerously at some point, suddenly changed its color to red as if a threshold had been broken and the lady immediately stopped the spellfire as her eyes widened in surprise.

"Don't—" Before the girl could complete what she was about to say a flash of light went off and Sirius instinctively closed his eyes and he felt his wand taken away from him in an instant.

And when he opened his eyes he found out that his hands and feet had been tied up using some tuff ropes and he was hanging upside down in the air with an invisible hook. And the funny thing was that the girl was hanging right beside him and was struggling with all her might to get out of the ropes.

Sirius couldn't stop himself and asked her, "Will you listen now?"

"Shut UP!" she growled while spitting fire from her eyes with her nostrils flared in a cute way and her cheeks puffed red in anger.

The only thing Sirius could think while looking at the girl hanging upside down was that she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life.


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