Ch 19 Let me tell you a Story... Part 1

Ancient Greece is widely regarded as one of the most influential civilizations in history, but despite its impact, the once-great civilization has since fragmented into smaller nations such as modern-day Greece, Albania, Italy, and parts of Turkey.

On the Magical side things were a little different as Greek Wizards were known as the most notorious and deadliest at the height of their power. During the height of their power, they produced some of the most formidable wizards in history, most of whom by today's standards would be considered very dark.

In an Airport in the city of Athens, Greece, Celine, and Sirius came out of a plane and went through the gate carrying barely any luggage with them.

Celine followed closely behind Sirius, watching him with a hint of suspicion as he navigated the departure process and airport security with ease. The moment they exited the big Airport Gate, Celine finally couldn't hold herself back and asked her Travel companion.

"This isn't your first time flying through a plane, Is it?"

"Huh?" Sirius looked back in confusion, "No, Why do you ask?"

"Well because I thought you were a pureblood and they... well, they are not well known for their knowledge of "Muggle things." as they consider them beneath themselves," Celine said while rolling her eyes, "I was quite impressed with you when you didn't immediately get scared and start waving your wand the moment the plane took off,"

"Wait—" Sirius stopped in his tracks and asked, "Why do you assume that I am a pure-blood,"

"Isn't that kind of obvious," Celine said before she explained when Sirius didn't move, "For one thing, you have a manor —which you obviously inherited— with some really old wards, and your wand seems as if it straight out of 15th Century and the most important thing is, you have a house-elf,"

"Oh, So that's—" Sirius said, trying to hide his relief, "But wait for a second—What does an elf have to do anything?"

"The fact that you have to ask me that..." Celine said as she shook her head with a sigh, "There are no shops around the corner that sell you a house-elf. You either inherit them or buy one from your pureblood friends. There is probably not a single muggle-born with a house elf in the whole wizarding world and maybe one or two half-bloods whose pureblood family probably died and he inherited one by chance,"

"Mm..." Sirius nodded along with her explanation before he remembered something, "Wait, that's not true! What happens if a pure-blood gives a house elf clothes and then he accepts another wizard as its master?"

"That is possible but who in their right mind would ever give a house elf clothes?"

Barty Crouch Sr. and Winky came to Sirius's mind but he wasn't exactly what a person would call sane. But Sirius understood what Celine was trying to tell, it would be almost impossible for a muggle-born to buy a house elf and the chances of Half-bloods are not that good either so anyone with a house elf is most probably a pureblood.

"So, Who taught you Muggle things if you're a pureblood," Celine asked.

"Umm..." Sirius thought for a moment before he blurted out, "My best friend's wife. She was a muggle-born so I learned a lot of things from her..."

Sirius wasn't even making it up, as in his memories Lily used to take James, Sirius, and all the Marauders on trips to the Muggle World every other weekend so that they learn a thing or two and not remain so ignorant. Sirius and James were always the ones who were the most amazed by the wonderful things Muggles created which seemed to crack up Lily and Remus a lot.

"Anyway, we need to go about 250 km in that direction, before we reach our destination," Sirius said while taking a look at the map he had bought at the Airport.

"Alright then!" Celine exclaimed, eager for a new adventure, "How are we getting there Taxi? Bus? OR did you bring any Brooms?"

"I have something better than brooms!" Sirius smirked, leading Celine into an empty alley beside the road. He cast a notice-me-not charm around them before taking a small object from his backpack and placing it on the ground, "Back up," he warned Celine, who was eyeing the mysterious object curiously.

Sirius too backed away and waved his wand and almost immediately the object began to enlarge rapidly, transforming into a sleek motorbike. The bike was a thing of beauty, with its sleek black finish and powerful engine.

This was one of the things he had asked Dumbledore to bring him who had borrowed it from Hagrid. He had removed the sidecar and replaced a few older parts with better things, and with just a bit of touch-up, it had turned into one of the fastest bikes in the world— and of course, it can fly.

Celine pointed at the bike in bewilderment. "What the hell is that monstrosity?"

"That, my dear, is our ride," Sirius replied, running his hand over the bike with glee.

"No way in hell am I getting on that thing!" Celine exclaimed, backing away from the intimidating machine.

"What do you mean? We have to! It's the only way we'll get there," Sirius countered, taking a seat and revving up the engine.

"I'll take a damn taxi like a normal person," Celine gritted her teeth.

"No, you can't, A taxi can't go there," Sirius informed happily, "And since I am the one who knows the way you'll just have to suck it up,"

"Ugh..." Celine just stood there hesitating for a while.

"Come on, I'll make sure that no accidents happen, Even though we won't get hurt because of the charms on this thing," Sirius persuaded her

Celine looked around but saw that she had no other option and took a deep breath and put on a brave face before reluctantly taking a seat behind Sirius.

"Where's the helmet,"

Sirius turned to her, a mischievous glint in his eye, and asked innocently, "What helmet?" Celine opened her mouth but she barely had time to react before the motorcycle shot forward as the front wheel jumped into the air and the Motorcycle went from 0 to terrifying in a few seconds.

She screamed and closed her eyes as she hugged Sirius with all her might. Celine's hair whipped wildly in the wind as she tried to catch her breath and when she took the courage to finally open her eyes— she screamed even louder, Sirius was weaving in and out of cars like a maniac, and they came close to colliding more times than she could count but somehow they were just saved at the last moment.

Celine started cursing loudly when she felt vibrations indicating that Sirius was laughing, She went straight to cursing everyone in his family, from his mother to his father to his aunt to his cousins, but that seemed to send Sirius into a harder laughing frenzy. If Celine had known who Sirius's family she was cursing was, she would have understood why Sirius was laughing like that.

Slowly but surely Celine started to get accustomed to the insane speeds and deathly manoeuvres between vehicles. When she got comfortable enough to not scream every time they passed a car, she even started somewhat enjoying the wind passing through her hair, "Maybe it isn't so bad, after all," she mumbled to herself.

But her brief moment of comfort was short-lived. "Oh, honey," Sirius turned his head and said with an infuriating smirk. "We're just getting started..."

Before Celine could understand what he meant, she suddenly screamed again as the bike still going at blistering speed suddenly lurched forward and the front wheel leapt straight into the air as they suddenly left the earth behind with Celine screaming her lungs out and trying to break Sirius's ribs with all her might.

"Did you see that—Hey, Open your eyes or you'll miss it," Sirius exclaimed.

Celine didn't know when she had stopped screaming but the only thing she felt at that time was that she would die if she opened her eyes, so she ignored the bastard she was holding onto and just swore to Merlin that the moment her feet touched solid ground, she'd skin the bastard within an inch of his life.

"If you don't open your eyes, I'll drop you," Sirius warned, but Celine was convinced he was bluffing. She soon realized her mistake as her heart lurched into her mouth, as she felt herself freefalling moments later. Sirius only dived for a few seconds but that feeling still scared the shit out of Celine, "Come on if you don't want me to do that again, Open your eyes,"

Celine swore but gave in as she slowly opened her eyes, and the moment she did, her breath left her lungs but this time it wasn't because of fear but amazement.

The bright orange sun was shining like a precious gem in the sky, as they glided above the snow-white clouds, the scene was so ethereal that it felt as if they were in heaven. Celine had a fear of heights ever since she fell off a broom when she was little but the view in front of her was so beautiful that she felt that it would be worth it to learn to ride a broom just to see something like this again.

"Isn't it beautiful," Sirius whispered, awed by the sight before him

"It is," Celine breathed unconsciously.

The cloud slowly gave away and what came into view was a lush green forest that seemed to stretch for eternity. Even up above in the air Celine could all kinds of roars and scream, warning any unsuspecting person know that it would be deadly for them to step foot inside it.

"This is the Foloi oak forest, the muggles think that it is about 40 km square but only a magical could see the forest's hidden parts where the magical creatures reside that was about 100 times bigger and our destination is inside that forest," Sirius explained while looking for a place to land.

Celine tilted her head, gazing at the seemingly endless forest. "Where exactly in this vast forest?"

"Well... That's what we have to find out, Don't we?"

"You mean to tell me that you have no map, no direction and that we have to scour this whole forest to look for a tomb that may be hidden behind who knows what?" Celine asked incredulously.

Sirius chuckled sheepishly. "That's exactly it. Won't it be a fun adventure?"

Celine's jaw dropped in disbelief. Her temper finally boiled over, and she began hitting Sirius's back with all her might.

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing?! We'll fall down," Sirius said trying to control the bike as Celine's punches surprisingly hit hard

"I don't care anymore! I'll Kill you," She screamed as she hit him even harder.

Sirius had no other option but to take drastic action. He flew the bike into a steep dive, causing Celine to scream even louder and hold onto him for dear life.


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