Ch 21 The Black Dread Part 1


With a deafening roar that echoed through the mountains, the massive dragon emerged before Celine and Almost instinctively she started blasting curses and charms at the massive Dragon that was bigger than anything she had seen or read about. It was almost twice the size of the Horntail she had seen in a Dragon Sanctuary as a kid and its teeth and spikes on its spine seemed to be sharper than steel.


Even though she was trying to put every inch of her strength into all her spells they hardly seemed to be working as the Sleek leathery skin of the dragon seemed to be stronger than the walls of Hogwarts and her spells didn't even seem to leave a mark behind.


Celine barely saw the shadow from the corner of her eyes and ducked at the last moment as the Dragon's tail ripped through the air above her rooting a few trees along the way.

"What the fuck are you doing!" She heard Sirius shout from the left, but couldn't spot his figure at the place where his voice was coming out of. Too occupied with the massive fire-breathing hazard in front of her Celine put it out of her head and replied snarkily, "What does it look like—Ah!"

Suddenly, the dragon lunged towards her, jaws snapping shut just inches from her face as she barely dodged out of the way. She made the biggest mistake at that moment as she instinctively tried to utilize that opportunity and used the famous Conjunctivitis Curse at the Dragon's eyes which were close enough for her not to miss her shot.

For the first time, something seemed to work as the massive dragon's head jerked back, letting out a deafening roar of pain. Celine's small victory was short-lived as the black dragon turned its malevolent gaze towards her, its anger more intense than before.

A shiver ran through her spine as she looked into the hateful eyes of the beast, one yellow and one inflamed red. She had only succeeded in enraging the dragon, and She knew she had to run, but before she could even take a step, the dragon opened its mouth, revealing rows of spiky teeth, and a stream of intense fire erupted toward her. In that split second, Celine raised her wand and cast the strongest protection charm she knew, but it held back the fire for only a few seconds and her heart fell into deep despair as she closed her eyes and covered her face to brace for the absurdly hot magical fire.

"AHHH—" She screamed and screamed but she stopped abruptly after a few seconds, "Huh," as she didn't feel like she was burning at all, in fact, the searing heat she had been feeling just a moment ago had also disappeared.

'Did I just die or something?' she thought in confusion.

Thankfully, that wasn't what had happened. When she opened her eyes, she saw a broad back standing in front of her, shielding her from the dragon's fire with a powerful protection charm. She realized that it was Sirius, who had appeared out of nowhere to save her with the same spell that had just failed her a moment ago but she noticed that his shield was a lot thicker and magically more powerful than hers.

'Did he somehow get bigger or something?'

"Don't just stand there, You IDIOT!" Sirius yelled, as the flames suddenly vanished and he immediately started bombarding the Dragon with powerful blasting curses that the Dragon couldn't ignore as it ignored Celine's, and he also mixed up his spell as he Transfigured an earthen wall in its way to keep the dragon off its feet or rather its wings.

"But What about—"

"Don't worry about me, I'll be right behind you," Sirius shouted while casting a massive Aguamenti charm that summoned enough water to surround the Dragon's massive head completely, "Now RUN!"

"AH! Fuck—"

Celine cursed in frustration as she started running into the forest, her heart racing with fear and shame. She had always considered herself a powerful wizard who could protect herself in any kind of situation, but the helplessness she felt today proved otherwise. As she ran, tears started to well up in her eyes, blurring her vision.

Behind her, Sirius was expertly keeping the dragon at bay using every single spell he had learned to its fullest potential. The moment the Dragon woke up, the first thing he did was cast a Disillusion charm on himself along with a scent-cancelling one and slowly started backing away and was ready to transfigure some rocks into animals to distract the beast.

He had never even considered fighting against the gigantic creature and only when Celine had foolishly decided to go against the massive beast as if it was just a common Niffler that he decided to intervene. He had immediately transformed into his Half-grim form and used the most powerful flame-cancelling charm at his disposal.

Confident after successfully defending against the dragon's most powerful attack, and getting a bit excited Srius began using every single spell he had religiously practised every day for the past few months on the Dragon. He felt like he was in his element, using every trick he had learned to outmanoeuvre the massive beast.

And the dragon was a very good dummy as well as its skin was able to even take his most powerful spell with just some flesh wounds.

The adrenaline rush from being able to cast all those spells was exhilarating, he was moving, dodging, and ducking under the Dragon's breath, wings, and tail with the powerful physique his Half-grim form provided. The Dragon was getting increasingly irritated when the bug it should have easily crushed, now giving it a hard time.

But alas, while Sirius's magic was formidable, but he knew he couldn't keep it up for long. Casting spell after spell was draining, even for someone with his magical reserves, so after casting a few scanning spells in the surroundings he cast a bright, explosive fireworks prank spell as distraction giving him the chance to kick off the ground and flick into the surrounding trees.

He moved with such speed and agility that he was practically a blur, dodging trees and leaping over obstacles with ease. Within moments, he spotted Celine in the distance, still running towards safety. But she was moving far too slowly for Sirius's liking.

"That Idiot! why is she still here!" he muttered to himself in frustration. He quickly closed the distance between them and grabbed her shoulder, pulling her along as they disappeared in a swirl of magic.

The roars of the Dragon didn't subside for quite a while scaring all the nearby animals to flee in terror but the target of its ire had already disappeared so the only thing it could do was destroy its surroundings impotently to calm its anger.


Advanced chapters are available at: pat reon.c om/lazywizard