Ch 26 Snake Bait Part 1

"What in Merlin's name are you?" Celine demanded, her narrowed eyes fixed on Sirius as he rummaged through his expandable bag, retrieving their clothes.

Sirius, feigning ignorance on the surface, absentmindedly replied, "Hmm... What do you mean?" He hurriedly handed Celine her clothes and immediately began wearing his clothes, shivering in the cold of their surroundings, making a conscious effort not to stare at Celine, who was also getting dressed.

They found themselves huddled inside a small cave that Sirius had stumbled upon while fleeing. Luckily, he had managed to use his remaining magic to create a deep enough cave to shield them from the Dragon's fiery breath, yet narrow enough to keep the Basilisk at bay.

"I am obviously asking about the enormous creature that was just beside me a few minutes ago, the one you apparently transform into at will," she pressed, slipping into her jeans and t-shirt before settling against the cave wall.

"Oh, that..." Sirius said nonchalantly while shrugging on his T-shirt, "That was just my animagus—", he started to explain, only to be abruptly interrupted by a tremendous impact against the mountain. The cave trembled, showering them with small debris. Undeterred, Sirius continued, "As I was saying... it was just my Animagus form. You know what an Animagus is, right? It's essentially a witch or wizard who can transform—"

"I know what an Animagus is," she impatiently interjected. "But the creature, or rather monster, you transformed into was obviously a 'Magical' one."

"So?" Sirius replied with a shrug, securing his expandable bag around his neck and finally taking a seat across from her with a sigh of relief.

"SO? SO!!!" she exclaimed incredulously. "A magical Animagus has never been documented in written history. Not only did you transform into a supposedly impossible magical beast, but it's one I've never seen or heard of before. And you act as if it's no big deal!"

"What do you want—" Sirius was interrupted once more, this time by a resounding roar, followed by the distinct sound of a dragon exhaling flames. The heat reached them even within the depths of the cave.

"Forget about that and focus on the present," Sirius said, his gaze momentarily shifting towards the cave entrance, "We need to figure out a way to get out of this situation quickly because if I am not wrong then it won't be long before they get to us and then the only option we'll have is to either become snake food or lizard food,"

Sirius was periodically turning into his half-grim form every few minutes to get a feel of the situation outside and to say the least things were looking quite grim for them. The Dragon was using its intense fire to melt down the outer layer of the mountain and when those melting rocks cooled down after a while and became brittle, the Basilisk would then use its massive tail to slam into those brittle rocks to break them away.

They were basically both working together to chip away at the mountain to get to them as absurd as it was for something to be working together with a Basilisk with its death gaze but it seems that Herpo found it the perfect partner as the Dragon was probably the only creature that was immune to it.

"I can recover my magic in—" Sirius closed his eyes to scan his magical reserve's condition and said, "about an hour at most and I think that I can somehow take care of the Dragon—"

"Wait a minute! Did you just say an hour?!" Celine interrupted, her voice filled with disbelief. "That's preposterous. You were on the verge of collapsing from magical exhaustion, just like I was. It should take days, not hours, for you to cast a simple Lumos spell—" Realizing her agitation, she took a few calming breaths before continuing, her smile tinged with false sweetness. "You know what? I give up. I won't bother questioning it anymore. Please, go on," she concluded, gesturing for him to proceed.

"Umm..." Sirius awkwardly opened and closed his mouth, searching for helpful and reassuring words, but none came to mind. He simply shrugged and resumed his previous train of thought. "Ahem... As I was saying, I think I can handle the Dragon, or at least keep it at bay if it's alone. Our primary concern right now is finding a way to deal with the Basilisk."

"What! You can't even handle a Basilisk... What a shame!" Celine retorted sarcastically, shaking her head. "And here I thought you were a skilled wizard... tch... tch..."

Sirius let out a frustrated sigh. "Instead of being snarky, perhaps you could be helpful for once," he replied, growing weary. "You haven't done much since we arrived here, except for getting irritated at mosquitoes or at me or—" Before he could finish his sentence, Celine reached her breaking point.

"Ahhh—You bastard!" Celine roared as she lunged at Sirius, her hands aiming for his throat as if to strangle him.

"Stop it, you crazy witch!"

Sirius fell backwards, and Celine ended up straddling his abdomen, attempting to strangle him. Sirius struggled to defend himself, but Celine proved surprisingly agile and athletic for a witch and he was having trouble concentrating because she was rubbing too much and too close to his main point.

"Hey! Hey! I am sorry! Sorry!!"

"I'll kill you!"

But Celine was too consumed by her own frustration and anger to listen, her nails digging painfully into Sirius's skin.

"Ah! That's enough," Sirius finally exclaimed, summoning a burst of strength. He swiftly flipped her over, reversing their positions. Their bodies pressed together, faces so close that each could feel the other's heavy breathing.

"Ugh... Let go of me!" Celine squirmed with all her might, but Sirius held both her hands firmly in his right grip while using his other hand to support himself against the ground.

"Why? So you can attack me with your nails? No thanks," he retorted.

Celine continued to struggle, but after a few moments, she realized the futility of overpowering Sirius. She ceased her efforts, breathing heavily but now more composed. "Let go!"

"I don't want to," Sirius absentmindedly replied, his gaze fixed on her face at close range. To his surprise, even with her dishevelled golden curls and her cute nose puffed up in anger, Celine appeared enchantingly beautiful, momentarily mesmerizing him.

Celine noticed Sirius's vacant gaze, his eyes wandering all over her face, particularly her lips. She couldn't believe he was feeling lust at such a moment. A mischievous gleam sparkled in her eyes as she resolved to teach him a lesson. Slowly, she raised her head, closing the small distance between them, and locking her gaze with his. Then, she kissed him.

Sirius was surprised for just a moment before his bodily instincts took over and he started kissing her fiercely. Her lips tasted like the juicy wet inside of a mango and Sirius kept sucking on her parted lips as he just couldn't get enough.

Celine felt Sirius's fingers lose their grip on her hands but she couldn't even remember what she had thought of doing next, her body was moving on its own as her hands wrapped around Sirius's neck and she responded to his kissing passionately. His hands started to roam on her body going from her ass to her hips to her waist until they finally reached her boobs, and he hesitated there for just a moment and when he didn't feel any resistance from her, his hands immediately went for the prize.

Sirius felt a surprising amount of perkiness and bounciness from Celine's breasts, it was hard to tell from the clothes she typically wears but the girl was packing a surprising amount. His hands grabbed both her tits roughly and he immediately started kneading and pressing them over her bra, his hands were feeling so heavenly at that moment that he just wanted to go on forever.

Celine didn't know when it happened but one second she was kissing Sirius and the next second both of their clothes were thrown a foot away and she was in her bra and panties while he just had his underwear on. It was easy to tell that bastard was so skilled and experienced in this that she didn't even notice him take off her clothes but she was enjoying herself too much at the moment to think about it.

He only stopped kissing her after her lips were swollen and satisfied before he started going down while peppering kisses on her neck sending a tingling down her spine. His hands caressed the side of her breasts and before she knew it he unhooked her bra with just two fingers and she raised her hands to help him remove them.

Sirius threw the bra away and the moment he caught the sight before him he couldn't take his eyes off of them as he just stared at the two beautiful pink cherries on two bountiful snow-white mountains. He was so mesmerised by their beauty that he didn't even hesitate and his mouth went toward them unconsciously, and immediately he took the left cherry into his mouth while simultaneously playing with her right nipple with his hand.


Celine moaned fiercely and her nipples perked up in arousal as she felt him play with them, he was intense yet surprisingly gentle with her boobs as if he was handling something delicate. He bit, sucked, licked and played with her tits to his heart's content and every single time he did that a pleasurable shiver ran through her body.

His fingers went toward her wet panties after a while and he started rubbing on her pussy making her moan and squirm as he expertly stimulated her clitoris. He started going down again after thoroughly playing with her perked-up nipples. Dropping kisses over her navel he reached her pussy and removed her panties in a single flick.

He looked at her from between her legs and the sight of his handsome face nestled at her lower entrance aroused her more than anything. He slowly lowered his mouth and touched her sensitive part with his lips and almost immediately a shiver went through her body making her even more wet.

He immediately went to work on her wet folds and his tongue moved inside her in ways that she never even imagined was possible. For a total of ten minutes, she moaned, squirmed, writhed and screamed in pure pleasure as he made her come twice, each climax fiercer than the last.

Finally, when her head was just filled with ecstasy he removed his mouth and raised his body and lined up his rock-hard dick over her pussy. He looked straight into her eyes while rubbing his cock over her wet pussy and she was finally unable to handle his teasing and moaned in desperation.

"Come on! Do it!"

Sirius smirked and finally pushed inside her as if he was waiting for her command. Her vagina welcomed him smoothly and she was so wet that he didn't need to pace himself at all, and almost immediately he started pumping her with his hips, making slapping noises echoing within the cave.

He was hitting all her right places and he didn't keep to a single position for longer than a few minutes and kept changing them simulating all her sensitive zones, and finally, when she felt herself about to climax for the third time she screamed loudly, "I am coming!"

Sirius picked up his pace and his hip dick went inside her faster and faster until finally Celine suddenly cried in pleasure, as he slammed into her with a final push and both of them stilled as they moaned in pleasure and came simultaneously.

For a few minutes, they just stayed in that position shaking and shivering from the highest form of pleasure, their brain filled with all the good chemicals.


To read ahead go to: pat reon.c om/lazywizard

And check out my other fanfic: The Warg Lord