
Prince Cynfal and I made eye contact but he looked away quickly. I know why he is here, he isn't here to wish Celina a welcome back recovery but here because grandpa wants him to find a wife soon. I remember now, there was a rumor saying the Crown Prince will come to the debut ball because he himself turned 18. Males go to the debut ball when 18 and females when 16. I couldn't go last year because my father wanted me to go until Celina was 16 so we could both go. Prince Cynfal walked up to me and kissed my hand.

"Greetings Lady Viviana~ I have heard that you didn't go to the debut ball last year because you weren't feeling well. I hope this year you will come.."

"Thank you for worrying for me, I shall be at the debut ball Crown prince~"

I faked a little smile and then Celina came up to me and smiled.

She greeted the crown prince.

"Greetings prince! I am so overjoyed to meet you! I have heard tales of how amazing you are~!"

"Lady Celina, it is nice to meet you, I am glad you recover in time… I am looking forward to seeing you this year at the debut ball.."

He kissed her hand. People were shipping them. They weren't wrong, they matched each other. Father seemed proud to see the crown prince was taking a liking to Celina. However, Prince Cynfal looked uneasy. He didn't look so happy. I guess he didn't want to be here.

We all were seated at the table drinking spicy pumpkin tea. That is something Celina made up. She must have hit her head on a rock or something, it better be good. I sip the tea and look around. People were gossiping that I was drinking tea first before the prince did. Prince Cynfal smiled at me.

"It is alright, I am just a guest at this house, please go on and drink first."

"I am sorry Crown prince! My sister doesn't know h-"

"I'm sorry Lady Celina but I have known your sister far longer than you Lady Celina... We are cousins after all.."

Why would he call me cousin?! He never liked me when we were grown up. He would always ignore me and order me to call him Prince Cynfal. We haven't seen each other ever since his father and mother passed away.

"Oh my, is that true?"

The people started to whisper. Then Kalina glared at me and she then smirked. She held Celina's hand.

"Celina I am sorry you couldn't match mother~ If only Viviana haven't taken the green gown~"

Fake crying as always and the people whisper some more.

"How dare she use a stolen Celina gown.."

"She really has no shame after all.."

"I am sorry Step-mother but this gown belongs to my mother... It was her favorite dress as it matched her green emerald eyes. The gown was handmade by the famous John Adam Smith. Step-mother it's alright to dress like my mother~ I know how much you looked up to her~"

"That is wrong! I would never try to look like the last duchess!"

The crown prince dropped the glass cup onto the floor. Everyone turned their attention to him. His face was blank again when I greeted him.