


I was at the tea party. Viviana was supported to go but she is still grounded. Now I must gain the people's trust to be on my side. So far it was boring at the tea party. All the ladies do is talk and talk. The tea is so bitter, they should have added some sugar and made it cold. I hate hot tea. Mother made me wear this red dress. I do look beautiful in it but I hate how big it is. Just ugh! I wish I could just wear pants.

"Lady Celina, why are you not saying anything?"

I look up to see Lady Roselind Ana Fabioal. She is the Duke's daughter. There are only two duke's families in this kingdom, Duke Chela, and Duke Fabiola. Those two houses hate each other. Both families want one thing, who is going to become the crown princess? Lady Roselind has baby blue hair and her eye color is pink. She always likes to tie her hair in a bun. She acts all sweet and nice but is a devil from h%ll. She always uses her charms and words to bring a person down or up. If I can get her to be on my side, maybe she is willing to take down Vivana.

"I'm sorry what?"

"My oh my, Lady Celina can you not hear me well?"

"I'm sorry… I was thinking about my father the duke who is still in battle~"

I fake cry a bit. People pat my back and try to cheer me up.

"I'm sorry…. I didn't mean to make you cry.. I feel like a bad person…"

Roselind cried S-she is such a great at crying!!

"If you're sorry~ Please do me a small task if you want forgiven~"

Everyone agrees with me. Of course, they will… I am cinderella… the girl who was bullied by her step-sister and is so kind~ No one will believe someone like her~

"What shall I do for you?"

I smirked a bit and drop my fan on the floor,

"Please pick it up for me.."

"What!? I am not going to pick up your fan, you have maids for what!?"

"Oh my! You can't listen well~?"

People started to whisper about her, I smirked a bit.

"Pick up my fan.."

I crossed my arms. Maybe I should kick the fan away to make it harder for her,

*door slams open*

"I am sorry if I am late... It was hard to find a gift for you.."

Viviana is here?!!! B-but how!? Vivana headed towards Lady Anastasia and handed her a gift. Why didn't I think of it being a gift?!!

"I hope you like the gift,"

"A gift from Chela is rare, I will of course love it~"

Lady Roselind walked up to lady Anastasia and handed her a g-gift t-to!?

"I also brought a gift but wasn't sure when to… forgive me.."

"No worry lady Roselind... Please have a seat.."

I glare at Viviana, she is trying so hard to win the noble hearts. Tch… too late. Everyone believes I am the real cinderella. I can't believe Viviana even dared to wear the same color as me. Hmm, maybe I can use that to my advantage.

"Sister! I love the dress! We are matching sisters!"

"Yes we are, that is the dress I let you bother,"

My eyes widened, and she said what?! All the ladies around were whispering about this. No, that's not true!

"Sister that's not true!"

"Sister, is that all you have to say?"

Viviana was glaring at me with her green eyes, Looking down on me and shaming me. I did nothing wrong! I know I didn't do anything.

"What's all the fight for? You guys are sisters… why even act like street rats here,"

Roselind fan herself. How dare she call me a street rat!

"Lady Roselind, I guess you don't know the meaning behind street rat, it seems you use the word casual… Perhaps you know a street rat nearby... A lover or your mother?"

"YOU DARE SAY THAT VIVIANA WHERE IS YOUR MAN HUH?! At least mine is the crown prince of the Moon empire!!"




"Moon empire? So you betray your own kingdom for the Moon empire?"


Roselind looks so embarrassed now because that was a lie. Celina was so shocked to hear this news. Wait, it can't be real!? I was only thinking that her lover could be a street rat. I didn't expect to find out, her lover was the crown prince of the Moon empire.

"Oh sister, stop being so rude to lady Roselind, Where is even your lover?"

"He is coming,"

"Ha… Sister you have never been out! How coul-"

The door opens up. The magic dude came in. He came… Would they believe that he is my lover? I don't even know his name. He looked so handsome wearing his black and white outfit. A long black coat that has silver designs on it. A black necktie and black gloves. He took off his coat showing off more of his broad shoulder and his black vents.

"Greeting ladies~ I am Sir Kaiser, My lover Vivana~ I am sorry if I am late~"

He walked up to me and held my hand. He kissed my hand. Everyone was drooling over how good-looking Kaiser is. Only Celina looked in horror. It's as if her soul left her body.

"Sir Kaiser, welcome! I didn't expect you to come! Whose family are you from?"

"Lady Anastasia, I am honored that you welcome me~ I am from a distant kingdom traveling to the sun kingdom…"

All the ladies were blushing and saying how wonderful he is. Kaiser took a seat next to me. So his name is Kaiser, and it's a nice name. That name matched him very well.

"How did you and Lady Vivana meet?"

One of the ladies asked. I didn't think that far. He held my hand and smiled.

"I met her while visiting the Duke's home when I saw her in the garden~ She stole my heart and from then on we would write letters to each other~"

I nod to what he said. That sounds about right. Of course, the lady giggled a bit and talked about how romantic it was. I knew they always wanted romance like that. I look over to Roselind and Celina. Both seem pretty shocking. Mostly Celina.

"What's wrong sister?"

Celina looked up at me.

"I'm sorry sister, I am not feeling well… I have to leave now ladies~"

She quickly left to go home.

"I'm sorry ladies, I have to go home soon to check on my sister~ Forgive me for being late…"

"It's alright Lady Vivana,"

Lady Anastasia smiled before I and Kaiser left. In the carrier we came in, the wheel was now broken.

"We need to hurry home before they find out I wasn't home!"

I was scared, that my father would do something to me or hurt Eternal. I turn my attention to Kaiser.

"I'll help you whenever you need help in exchange for your heart…"

My heart??! Does he want me d-dead?!

"Anything you say?"

He smirks a bit.

"Anything~ Whenever you cry for help, I'll be there as long you give me your heart when you die from old age…"

"Why my heart Kaiser??"

He pauses for a bit before he says a word.

"The answer I'll tell you after we make the deal…"

I sigh but quickly agree by shaking his hand. Magic light beam all around us.

"Take my hands.." Kaiser held out his hand and I held it before we teleport back to my home. He snaps his finger to make my clothes turn normal.

"Remember… Ring the bell…"

He smiled a bit before he teleport away. I soon heard the sound of Celina rushing upstairs and into her room. I was puzzled at why she didn't get a maid to send a note to father that I went out.




I shock to see this man in the original story. In my room looking for the book, I wrote about the event of the original story.

Lisa, my maid, was trying to pick up the stuff I threw on the floor. Until I find the notebook I wrote about the original story event.

"There it is!!!"

Opening the book and looking for it. I pause when I read what I wrote.

A man with red ruby eyes and white long snow hair killed his entire family to become the ruthless emperor and storm his army towards the Sun kingdom to take the head of the Crown Prince Cynfal Aiden Afanasiy.

I could feel my heart pounding against my chest. The ruthless emperor whose name was never once mentioned in the story. This guy named Kaiser looks exactly like the description of the ruthless emperor! Unless there were other people who had the same hair and eye color but then again. Only the nobles and royals have those wild eyes and hair color. If he is really the ruthless emperor of the moon empire…

I need to stay away from him or else my head will come off. I need to protect Prince Cynfal and have a happy ending with me... Celina! I should learn sword fighting to become stronger!

"Lady Celina, is everything alright?"

Lisa asked and I turned my attention to her. I need to take sword lessons soon!

"Lisa! Get me a pen and paper! I need to write important letters!!!"

I shouted and Lisa quickly left to go get it. Maybe I should also expose Vivana. What a good way to expose her…

Well, that doesn't matter at the moment because Celina's little brother's Eternal birthday is coming up! Time sure goes by! I can't believe it's almost December 1st! Eternal is going to be turning fifteen years old! He is becoming a man!! What Must I give him? Maybe I'll give him a new book since he likes reading, what a nerd~