



I had to get ready for my stepfather's funeral. My sweet hubby~ well soon-to-be husband! Thought I don't really believe in marriage but whatever! Just for the story! Cynfal is coming with me. We wore the carriages back to Duke Chela's mansion. We are planning to stay there for three days.

Tomorrow will be the funeral. I was wearing a princess dress that was full of bows and off the shoulders. Though I rather wear pants instead of a dress. It was the color blue and I had my hair tied up. It was silent until we got there. The gates open up, it seem new and everything was a bit different.

He smiled at me and held his hand out to help me get down from the carriage. I held his hand and got down. The front door opened and maids came to greet us. I had never seen them before, they must be new.

"Greeting Sun Crown Prince and Crown Princess… Young Master is in his office with Mr.Hooper and Lady Viviana is having her bathtime,"

Wait!? Viviana!? That bitch should be dead in the fire! I look over at Cynfal and his eyes lit up. Fuck, now he will try to talk to her. I must stay calm and smile.

"Oh! My dear sister is back!"

The maid glare at me and went back inside. We follow them to the guest living room. The guest living room changes a lot, with more bright colors and planets. Taking a seat as we waited.

"Oh my! We have guest~?"

I heard a voice from behind me. I turn around to see Viviana against the door frame. Wearing a teal blue a-line dress that was off the shoulder long puff sleeves and a heart shape top. Having gold sewn in. She was wearing no jewelry but this bitch shine so brightly! Having her hair in a simple bun really brings out her collarbones.

I fake a smile and took out a fan.

"Sister! Where have you gone!? Do you know how much I missed you~"

I open my fan and cover my mouth with it. Viviana smirked at me and seat in front of us. She didn't even say a word! How dare she! I'll punish her for good once I become queen! Look at her! She is acting like she rules the world! Cynfal seems to be under her spell!

"Your Highness, it has been a while~"

She smiled as a maid came and place a tray of sweets and some hot tea. Ugh! I hate hot bitter tea! I wish they had Starbucks here! I may as well start that business!

"Yes, Viviana! It has been a while! Please just call me Cynfal as we did before~"

He smiled! He smiled at her as she smile back with that stupid face!! Viviana pick up the tea and sip it and so did Cynfal! Ugh, must I really do this!?

"What's wrong Celina… ah… I forgot it's Crown Princess Celina~ But since we are at home, we should just go back to calling each other our real name… right~?"

He looks up from her tea cup and her eyes glow green. Is she t-testing me!? Ugh! I should be a little careful!

"N-no sister… I am just feeling sick lately! After all, the wedding is coming up soon~"

I put down my fan and wrap my arms around Cynfal's arms. He just smile.

"Viviana, when you do have some time, let's have a chat alone,"

He grins softly. Ugh, why is he looking at her like this?

"By the way sister! Do you know where mother is?"

Viviana put down her cup of tea.

"Your mother? Hm… She has gone insane after father die… we lock her up in her room to be treated,"

Is she grinning at me!? Well, it's not like I care! After all, Kalina does need to die soon, she is becoming useless. We soon heard some laughs in the hallway, coming from downstairs. It was no other than Eternal! I couldn't help but smile! Wow! He has grown a lot! He is much taller now. However, who is this weird man next to him?

They both enter the guest living room.

"Who the hell is this pink hair pig!?"

This old man pointed at me! How dare he! Does he not know who I am?

"Godfather, this is sister Celina aka Crown Princess of the sun kingdom…"

Cynfal stood up and greeted him.

"Greeting Mr.Hooper, I am the crown prince of the sun kingdom… what business brings you here?"

Wait what!? Mr.Hooper!? Does that mean Madam Elvi is his wife!? In the original story, they never talk about this!

"Ah yes, nice to see you Crown Prince Cynfal… It would be easier to just call you Cynfal right?"

I stood up and wrap my arms around Cynfal.

"It is rude to just call him Cynfal… he is the future king of this kingdom~"

"He no king to me! The king I believe in is Jesus!"

Jesus!? So they do have those religions in this world! How he talks is so Western. If he was from my world, he would be an American cowboy or something like that!

"Well enough about me yapping! I got to head home before my wife beats my ass! She is very strict when it comes to rules!"

Viviana came up to us.

"Have a safe trip home then godfather…"

She smiled at Mr.Hooper. So wait!? He agrees to be a godfather or a father figure to both Viviana and Eternal???! Am I the only one behind!?

"Nah nah, child... I told yall to just call me Dad... God Father feels too strict!"

He patted Eternal shoulder. He soon left. Eternal smile left his face and now was blank when he looked towards me.

"My apologies your highness… after I became Duke, there was a lot of work to be done… I didn't get a chance to welcome you well…"

He bowed a bit and Cynfal stop him.

"Well… my soon to be brother in law… I understand you are very busy… after all, you are one of the youngest Duke in history…"

"Ah yes… some of our maids will show you to your room…"

Some maid came and took us to our room. We end up sharing one room. How sweet!!!! I sat on the bed.

"Now that we are alone-"

"I'll be sleeping on the couch…"

He left the room! How dare he! Ugh! Once we get married! He wouldn't run away from me! From now on, I must sleep well and get ready for the funeral.




Viviana sigh as she stares at the moon. She was outside on the backyard balcony. Wearing a simple nightgown and having her hair down. Making sure to wear a light robe to cover her nightgown. She missed Kaiser and wonder if she should go back to the burn-down magic shop to see if he would come back.

Or maybe she should go looking for Kaiser at the Moon Empire. He couldn't be gone for too long! She wished he send a letter or something. Especially since she heard the news about the Moon Empire's second prince becoming emperor.

*Flash Back*

"Hey, Viviana… did you hear about the news of the new emperor?"

"New emperor?? So soon!"

Eternal and Viviana just having lunch together in the backyard. She places her fork down.

"Yeah… I heard harem the nickname 'ruthtly Emperor whos hand is cover in bloody roses,'. They said he killed a lot of people in the palace and even nobles who went against him…"

"Oh wow! He is scary! It wouldn't Prince Amrias right?"

Eternal also soon place his fork down and look up at his sister.

"Of course not him, it the second prince… who became emperor… How scary this world became…"

Viviana felt chills… She couldn't believe the second prince would kill his own family and anyone who stand against him! She also understood why they give that nickname. She heard from people he is very handsome like a rose! A beautiful and dangerously like a rose thorn.

*Flashback ends*

She try to shake this chill feeling, of what would happen if she met and knew what the second prince look like. Would it haunt her? She shook her head.

"I hope Kaiser is alright…"

She whisper to herself until she heard footsteps behind her. She thought it might be her brother since the breathing was heavy and the footstep wasn't light.

"Eternal you shouldn't stay up lat-"

She turns around just to find Prince Cynfal. There he was still wearing his prince outfit,

"Oh! I'm sorry Cynfal… I thought you were my little brother,"

She tucks some of her baby hair behind her ears. Cynfal came closer to her.

"My bad Viviana… I just couldn't sleep… is it alright if I stay here with you… alone…?"

He softly spoke and his eyes never left her. Vivana felt a little strange about how Cynfal was acting toward her.

"Please be my guest…"

Vivana turn back facing the Moon and now he was next to her. He wasn't enough in the moon but her presence here.

"You know… after so many years… I get to be alone with you…"

He touches her hair and she moves away from him.

"Please be respectful of me… I'm a woman and not some toy you can touch…"

Viviana snap at him but soon realize she was being a little rude. He laughed.

"That's why I love you… The more you push me, the more I want to control you…"

He came closer to her and she move back.

"Cynfal I believe it is best if I head to bed now.!"

She tries to leave but he grabs her by the arm and tugs her towards him. Her eyes widen in fear! What was he planning to do!?

"Why leaving so soon~? The night is still young!"

He places her against the balcony as the clouds slowly cover the bright moon. Cynfal hands went under her gown and gently touch her thighs.

"Cynfal what are you doing!?"

She tries pushing him off. Before she looks him in the eyes. The eyes of a mad person. He was even smiling.

"You like it rough huh~?"

He tries to kiss her as he grips her thighs tightly. Smelling her neck before licking it. Soon she sucks on her neck, leaving a few marks. Even biting her shoulder.

"Stop! P-please!"

Kicking him and once again pushed him away but this time he gripped both of her wrists, using his magic skills to tie her wrist together with some rope, he hide inside his suit.

"I have been waiting to make you mine~"

He licked his lips before he starts to rip her clothes. Viviana cried and begged him to stop. Cynfal slapped her face.

"Be quiet! You were looking at me with those soft eyes~"

Viviana couldn't stop crying as his hands move higher up her thighs. His hands grip around her waist to hold her in place.

"What is this noise!?"

Cynfal looks over his shoulder and there stands Eternal. Viviana bites his hands and he let go of her. Viviana quickly rushes over to her little brother. Eternal untie her.

"Viviana! What the fuck did he do to you!?"

Viviana tries to cover her bare skin. Eternal took off his jacket and place it on her. Eternal saw the bite mark on her shoulder. Eternal felt disgusted! The moment Eternal turned around to face Cynfal, his icy blue eyes were so cold yet it was burning in flames. How dare someone touch his sister.

"What the fuck did you do to her!!!?"

Eternal draw his sword. Cynfal brush his hair back and just smiled.

"I didn't do anything! She was begging for it, right Viviana~?"

He looks over at Viviana as she wipes her tears.

"I didn't ask for anything! I trusted you! I thought we were family!"

Cynfal laughed as he try to walk closer to Viviana but Eternal Sword was at Cynfal's throat in one swift move. Once again Cynfal laughed again.

"How dare you stand in my way Duke Eternal… You know already who I am and what will happen if you dare do something to m-"

Viviana slapped Cynfal before he could finish. Even if she was still scared he will try to do something more. She will let anyone abuse their title!

"I dare you to tell the royal family about this Prince Cynfal… Will they believe you or me after seeing those bite marks…"

"Tch~ Still playing games~? I thought you loved me~ Sooner or later we will get married and I'll make sure we make lots of babies~"

He smirked before he move the sword away, Eternal used this chance to cut a bit off his leg. Just a very small cut. Eternal put his sword away. Cynfal fell onto his knees and scream in pain. Eternal didn't even blink and looked over at Viviana.

"Viviana, you can stay in my room for the time being…"

Viviana nodded and head to her brother's room as the maid help her change. Eternal soon grin at Cynfal.

"Ah fuck! Son of a bitch! You really dare challenge the royal family!? It's just a Duke remember!?"

"Crown Prince Cynfal, this is my first and only warning…"

Eternal turnaround and walk-off. Cynfal couldn't believe he wasn't afraid of him! Of course, he isn't afraid, he got some backup ~

"Come here you punk!!! You wouldn't get away with it!"

Some maid came and help Cynfal up to Celina's room.

"Oh! Honey!!! What happen!?"

Celina rushes over to him. Not knowing what he try to do to Viviana….




I was heading back to my room, to make sure Vivana is alright. I am disgusted this happen to her! No man or woman should do that! I open the door to see her asleep, I am glad she is alright. I know she went out to get fresh air because she miss Kaiser.

I close the door quietly. I went to the office room. A very simple office room with everything new. Mostly wood color and black. I got a lot of work to do, after becoming Duke, I got a lot of work to be done. Getting rid of those horrible people and cutting useless deals my father made. I'm also looking for that mistress who took all the money because he lied about having a boy. Aish… This is too much for a teenager, however, I promise Viviana that I would become Duke and protects her!

It's good to know Kaiser cares about her as well. Kaiser and I are close, he always sends me letters about him and Viviana. I know what happen when I left, she got kicked out and she stay with him. That playboy Kaiser better not flirt or touch her! I swear I'll cut his dic-

"Young Master…"

I heard a voice and a knock behind the door. It's Phillip.

"Come in…"

Philip came in.

"Young Master, shouldn't be asleep?"

"I was until some nasty guy dare touch my sister! I really want to kill him! He even said he want to breed her like an animal! She is a human being! How dare he!!"

I crossed my arm. I wish I could just choke him while he sleeps!!!! Ugh! Damn rules to keep us noble and people in check.

"Ah, did you get any news on Emperor Elatha?"

I asked Philip and he shook his head. Surprise to anyone, I knew he was the second prince of the Moon empire a long time ago when I saved him… by accident…

*FlashBack to when he was thirteen*

Minding my business, walking around town. Of course, I was skipping class! Hehehe! Going to the bookshop and getting a new book! I heard there was a new romance novel about a dark fairy and a nobleman who cross paths and have to get married. I don't know much since it's new after all!

People think guys like us don't read romance novels! Of course, we do! We also want love in our life to… I blushed think about it! I enter the bookshop and there was Anna~ She was the daughter of the bookshop, sometimes her parents is away! She has dark chocolate hair and hazel eyes~

Miss Anna is must older than me, older than my sister. She is like twenty-one years old! She is smoking hot! Got the right curses and body parts in the right place!! I can't believe she is still single! When I get older and become Duke! I'll marry her.

"Oh! Isn't it our lovely Eternal!"

She is smiling at m-me~~~~ I think I am going to have a nosebleed. I blushed and looked down at my feet,

"M-miss Anna… I came to buy a new book… T-the dark f-fairy one…"

I could hear her giggle! Even her giggle is so cute!!! I look up and she was of course smiling. She patted my head.

"How cute~ I'll go get it for you~"

She tuck her hair behind her ears and went to the back of the shop. Soon someone came rushing in. He was out of breath, with hair white as snow, and ruby eyes! He seems like a prince out of a fairy tale.

He looks at me and smiles.

"Hey, kid! Where am I… hm… hide for a while?"

What is he here for you!? Oh! Let me guess! Try to get the new novel??? I pointed to an area.

"Get in line! I am here first for the new book!"

I put and he laughed.

"Thank you!"

He went over to that area to hide. A group of ladies came in.

"Where is that white fox!"

This lady was angry,

"That damn white fox! How could he play with me like this!"

This lady cried.

So many of the ladies talking at once! Can they just leave?

"Hey! Get out!"

I pouted!

Then they all circle me!

"Aw! He is so cute!!! What's your name kid~?"

"Aww! Don't tease him!"

"Yall get out! Let me see this cute kid!"

Ugh!!!! Why are they trapping me?! Get away from me!! I cover myself.

"Have you seen a man with white ha-"

"NO!! Please leave!!!"

I yelled out loud, without even realizing what I just said. They all left after that. Then this man's hide came out. He does look like a damn fox! An evil one!

"Thank you~ I own you~"

He patted my head.

*Flashback end*

From then on, he treated me like a little brother… He also dares play with Miss Anna's heart! He made her cry! I will never forgive him for that!!!!

"Young master… are you crying?"

I open my eyes and wipe my tears.

"I am little sleepy… I am going to sleep…"

I got up from my chair and headed to a room next to where Vivana is sleeping. Kaiser better doesn't play with her! He better come clean and tells her who he really is! Well.. since I am Duke, should I go look for Miss Anna?


