
I looked back. "Didn't you tell me 2 days back that you'll be coming back from Adelaide on Wednesday ?" I asked curiously. "Oh God! I forgot to inform you. We returned yesterday evening. I'm sorry." she said smilingly. "You always do this" I said while slightly pushing her.

By the way this is my best and childhood friend Charlie. She is the first friend I made when I came here. She is an aspiring athlete and wants to go for olympics. She participates in all the sport activities in school and has won many medals. She always make us play some dumb sports in our free times. She has a great sense of humour and always makes us laugh even in serious situations. We reached school and our other three friends Mathilde, Olivia and Camilla were waiting for us at the gate. "Come faster we are getting late" Mathilde yelled. "Yes Coming!" Charlie and I said together.

Holy Cross High School. It's one of the oldest schools here in Sydney. I have had the best time here and made so many amazing memories. I still miss being in school. "When are they going to change this stupid uniform?" Mathilde asked angrily. "For God's sake don't start again." Olivia said in a bored tone. "Silly Mathilde's got problem with everything." mocked Camilla. Mathilde pushed Camilla slightly. and all 5 of us had a laugh.

So there's us the group of 5, our mom calls us The Fantastic five. Mathilde is the fashionista of the group. She is an extreme extrovert and makes friends very easily. But sometimes she's also a pain in the ass. She's got so many amazing clothes. We also borrow it from her for occasions. Olivia is a shy girl but also the kindest and the sweet one. She's a really good person to talk to. Also, the most matured one from the group. Camilla is the topper of the school. We all call her Cami. She is so damn good in studies and also a very smart person. She helps us out a lot during exam preparations. She is a little bossy but also lovely at the same time.

We walked through the corridors to our class. Suddenly, the most good-looking guy from our school and also our senior was walking towards his class. His name is Ryan Collins. Mathilde's got a huge crush on him for years. She always fantasizes about marrying him. "How can someone look so handsome?" said Mathilde in a slow tone as Ryan walked inside his class. "Why don't you go and ask him?" I asked jokingly. All four of us laughed. "What is the question by the way?" A shrill voice came from behind.