
"So much spying going on." said Mrs Pool. "I knew The Curious Natasha and her friends are upto something." she said and gave us a sarcastic smile. "Any more silly tricks then you won't be allowed to go the trip." she said. "Sorry" we said and quickly ran away. We reached our class and couldn't control our laughter.

One week passed with the blink of an eye. My father dropped me to school. Mrs Pool was taking attendance before we went to the bus. "How much stuff does she need? It's just a one day trip." said Mathilde while looking at Katie's bags. We all looked at Mathilde as she had carried so much stuff too. We all laughed. We got into the bus. We sang many songs throughout the journey. And then, we finally reached The Wonderland. "It's time for the surprise" said Mrs Pool excitedly. She gave us all a coupon. "This is the entry coupon. Don't loose it." We still wondered what the surprise was. The manager of the park made an announcement. "I hope all the guests got their coupons. So the first time in the History of Wonderland one lucky winner gets to open the door of the park." We all got very excited. "I hope it's one of us." said Mathilde excitedly. "Each coupon has got a serial number. One of it is written in this card." He said while holding it. He opened the card to announce the lucky winner. "The number is….." We all had our fingers crossed. "184" He said out loud. We looked at our cards but our numbers didn't match. But Charlie was in a complete shock. "What happened?" I asked her. "Is that you? I took the card from her. The number was 184. "Oh my God! It's Charlie." I screamed. We all got excited and hugged her. "The person who has the number 184 card is requested to come near the gate." said the manager. Charlie went. The officials clicked pictures with her and then she finally got to open the gate. We all applauded.

We entered the park. We started with the roller coaster rides. The Beastie, The Bush beast, The Demon and many more. After that we went for some amazing amusement rides. Antique autos, Bounty revenge, Dragon's flight and many more. Then, we finally entered The Galleons Graveyard. It had two-seater flying boats. Charlie and I were together. Cami and Olivia took the other one. Mathilde was looking for a seat. The lady in charge said. "Come here dear, there's an empty seat. She went and saw her partner was Ryan Collins. We all noticed and giggled. The ride was terrifying yet fun. After we all came out Mathilde's cheeks went pink. "What's wrong?" I asked. "The ride was so scary, I think I kinda hurt him." She showed us her nails. We couldn't stop laughing. We went to the hall for lunch by 1 pm.

After lunch we changed into our swimming suits. We enjoyed many water rides. We clicked many pictures and whole class played dodgeball together. After sometime we had mocktails and evening snacks. Later, we changed our clothes and went to the lawn. We had an amazing choclate ice-cream. Mrs Pool took the attendance and we headed off towards the bus. It was one of our best trips ever.