The Second Domain!

The white-robed king felt like he was being hunted. He should've only needed a week, but with these two on his tail, it took him over three months.


With a punch, a force flew out from his hand. It was so strong that it seemed to cut the sky. Rocks everywhere broke, and nearby birds were hurt.

A sad sound filled the air.

His face cold, the white-robed king moved his fingers like sharp knives. "Slash!" he ordered.

Soon, the whole area was filled with dangerous blades. They were everywhere, not allowing the king corpse to move. They also protected the white-robed king. No one could get near him.

The king corpse's clothes got torn up, showing his odd-looking body. His body was red, but his face looked normal. This would've scared many, but not the white-robed king. He had seen weirder things before.