The Emperor of East Qingzhou

Li Zexiang's complexion paled, listening to Qin Huai's idealistic dreams. 

There was a time when Li Zexiang held the same hopes for Lingjiang, wanting it to be a land of prosperity and peace. But his dreams were soon tainted by power and greed. The memory of receiving money from the Zhang family's official for the first time, the weight of the coins in his hands, was a pivotal moment that changed everything. 

"It's all that Zhang guy's fault, or else I wouldn't have come to this point!" he cried out.

But before he could fully explain his past, Li Zexiang was enveloped in a blinding radiance and was reduced to dust by an overwhelming force. The remnants transformed into a small, dark sphere in Qin Huai's hand.

The crowd watched in shock and disbelief. A mighty figure in the visceral prefecture realm had been obliterated in an instant.