After the terrifying apocalyptic catastrophe, human powers like America and White Continent were already pressurized to the brink of endurance in every aspect.
From the speeches of these strongest individuals, one could already sense the forces behind them were on the verge of going berserk.
However, once they did lose control, what might come was likely not the scenario humanity had imagined.
As for the cause of the apocalyptic catastrophe and the great change in heaven and earth, the various factions were even more clueless, for this level of understanding was beyond their comprehension.
Therefore, the strongest of each faction exchanged the opinions and intelligence of their respective forces and then returned with the information they gathered.
In an era after such a catastrophe, even these strongest individuals from various factions didn't wish to stay outside for too long.
Because staying even a moment longer represented an additional moment of risk.
Before long,