Look at me

"Kaeya! Stormterror's attacks are getting a lot worse! We must report to Jean as soon as possible!"

"I know, Amber. But first, why don't you introduce me to your new friends?"

Despite Amber's frantic behavior at the drastic change in Dvalin's behavior, Kaeya remains calm. It wouldn't be surprising if he already knew something like this might happen. After all, even if he looked overly laid-back on the outside, he is perhaps the most cunning member within the Knights of Favonius.

"Right… okay. These two are Lumine and Paimon, they're travelers from afar. Lumine came here in order to search for her brother, while Paimon has been accompanying her. As for Yuu, well, you already know him don't you?"

Judging by how strained Kaeya's smile became, Amber probably was not supposed to say that.

'Let's see how you wiggle your way out of this one, cavalry captain.'

"What's this? Has the Knights of Favonius been keeping tabs on little old me?"

Hearing the smugness in my voice seems to make Amber realize the mistake she just made.

"Uh… I mean…."

"Does that mean our first meeting was planned as well?"

"That was…."

"Oh Amber, how could you?! Is this the kind of person you are?! I thought we were friends, but oh how foolish I was!"


Seeing the growing distress in Amber's face, I couldn't hold back my laughter any longer.

"Hahahaha! The look on your face! I can't!"

Amber has an expression that is a mixture of panic and horror, Kaeya is pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation, while Lumine and Paimon looked very confused.

"Why is white mask laughing, Lumine?"

"Don't worry about it Paimon. Just think of it like Amber trying to pull a prank on Yuu, but he already knows about it from the start."

"Oh! Paimon understands now!"

I continued laughing for a bit longer, before eventually regaining my composure.

"Hahaha… okay. Okay, I'm finished now."

"Look Yuu, I can explain–"

"Don't bother, it's not like I don't know about it anyway."

"You knew?"

"Of course I do. At first it was just a suspicion since we were just chatting about normal stuff, but the moment you suddenly asked 'Are you really from Inazuma, Mr. Yuu?' pretty much confirms it. You're not exactly being subtle, Amber."

Hearing my reasoning, Kaeya let out a disappointed sigh.


"What?! I told you I was not cut out for this!"

Holding back another sigh, Kaeya turns to address me.

"Do forgive us for all that. We needed to make sure you were not a threat to Mondstadt–"

"You sent someone to spy on me. Multiple times."

"You what?!"

'Huh, Amber doesn't know about it. Does he even have permission to do that?'

"Amber, I had to make absolutely sure that–"

"Does Jean know?!"

"Of course. Even I have to ask for permission, you know."

Seemingly satisfied by his answer, Amber calms herself down. Meanwhile, seeing that the argument was over, Kaeya turned to address Lumine and Paimon.

"With that out of the way, welcome to Mondstadt, travelers. Though I'm afraid you haven't arrived at the best of times.

"I understand the pain of being separated from your family, so rest assured that the knights will do everything in their power to help you however we can."

"Thank you, that means a lot to me."

Nodding his head, Kaeya continued.

"Now then, the three of you, I would like to express our gratitude on behalf of the Knights of Favonius for your help in defending the city against the Stormterror."

"Hehe! Don't mention it!"


'"The three of you?" This floating midget? What bullshit is that?! She didn't even do anything! Even Lumine agrees with me, dammit!'

"In any case, the Acting Grand Master is very interested in meeting the three of you, and formally invites you three to our headquarters. Please follow me."

Resisting the urge to punt Paimon into the sun, I walked right next to Lumine, while Amber caught up to Kaeya and walked together with him ahead of us..

The walk towards the headquarters was quiet. Or at least, it would've been if the winds around Mondstadt would stop howling.

Unlike the previous attacks, this time Dvalin managed to permanently affect the weather in Mondstadt. The skies are covered with dark clouds, and the winds, while not strong enough to blow someone away, are enough to make a person shiver with how cold it is.

Positioning myself a bit closer to Lumine, I created an anemo field around us to lessen the effect of the wind.

"Thanks Yuu. It's getting a bit cold."

"Don't mention it."

"So you can be nice, white mask."

"And you would be a lot cuter if you talk less, Paimon."

"What was that?!"

"Nothing. Don't worry about it."

Letting out an annoyed 'hmph', Paimon turns her head away from me while floating next to Lumine.

"You don't have to antagonize her so much you know."

"I know. I just couldn't resist. I don't mean anything bad, but looking at her just pisses me off for some reason."

'Gee, I wonder why.'

"Just… try and be nice, okay?"

"Fine. I'll buy her some food as an apology later."

"Food?! White mask wants to buy Paimon food?!"

As if a switch have been flipped, her sullen demeanor has disappeared, replaced by a bubbling excitement.

"Hehe! White mask is the best!"

"I know Paimon. I know"

After walking a bit further, the Headquarters of the Knights of Favonius was finally in front of us. The headquarters is a three-storey building made out of stone, with five towers that looked like something you'd find on a traditional castle, with one of them being taller than the rest and housing a Teleport Waypoint.

'Seriously, who put that thing there?'

In front of the building itself is a small garden with two guards standing in front of the stairs leading to the headquarters. On both sides of the double door is a symbol of a falcon, most likely representing the Falcon of the West, and a couple of Knights of Favonius banners attached to the wall.

"Let's go. Wouldn't want to keep Jean waiting."

Following Kaeya into the building, we made a left turn towards the first door on the left.

Inside the room is an office belonging to the Acting Grand Master, with several bookshelves on the left, and a meeting table on the right. Next to the railing of the book area stood two women. One of them was wearing a white clothes covered by a blue tailcoat, and the other was wearing something akin to a purple witch outfit.

"Jean, I've brought our guest."

"Thank you Kaeya."

What followed was Kaeya explaining the situation to Jean: the attacks, how the three of us dealt with them, Lumine's circumstances, everything was explained by the cavalry captain in a concise manner.

"I see."

Moving herself in front of her desk, the Acting Grand Master Jean addressed the three of us.

"Mondstadt welcomes you, windborne travelers. My name is Jean, the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius. And this is the Librarian, Lisa."

"Hello sweeties. Are you here to lend us a hand?"

'The fuck?'

Not noticing my confusion, Lisa continued.

"Due to Stormterror's attack, the elemental sphere and ley line of Mondstadt has been really messed up. It's especially noticeable for a mage like me."

"Unfortunately, because of this interference, we couldn't do much more than posting missing person posters to help find your brother."

Hearing Jean's explanation, Lumine's shoulders visibly sagged.

"I see. If I lend a hand, will you be able to solve this interference?"

"Paimon will help too!"

She said, as she energetically raised her hands.

"Of course. We have a plan in mind. Through Lisa's detection magic, we were able to locate Stormterror's source of power."

'Am I like, not here or something?'

"They're currently located in the abandoned Four Winds' Temple. Stormterror's recent ability of manifesting such powerful storms can be attributed to these four temples."

"Our objective is to deal with three of the four temples. I trust that you know why that's the case?"

"Paimon doesn't."

"We'll ask later, Paimon."

Seeing that Lumine understood, Jean concludes the meeting.

"Time is against us, Knights of Favonius. We need to take the initiative and strike back."

'Well, dear Acting Grand Master, that was such an invigorating speech! Truly, you were diligent with your duties. You, out of the kindness of your heart, offered to help Lumine find her missing brother, even doing more than just posters if you could.

'Oh dear, if only the ley line weren't scrambled! But fear not! Jean has managed to hatch a plan to deal with them! Truly such an inspiring figure this Acting Grand Master is. But wait just a moment Ms. Jean, for this humble wanderer has but a single question…'

"Acting Grand Master Jean."

"Yes? What is it Mr. Yuu?"

"Why are you acting under the assumption that I would lend a hand in this endeavor?"

Silence filled the library

"Why do you act as if I do not even exist?"

No answer.

"Let me remind you, Acting Grand Master, that I am a wanderer, a foreign traveler temporarily residing in Mondstadt. I am not part of the knights, nor am I a citizen of this city."

'How dare you.'

"I am not contractually nor morally obligated to deal with whatever issues plaguing this city."

'I am not your tool. I am not something you can use however you want, whenever you want.'

"You did not ask for my help, nor did you offer me a reward in return for said help. All you did was run your mouth while assuming things that you should not. So let me ask you this, Acting Grand Master Jean of the Knights of Favonius…"

[(I) am my own person. (I) decide what (I) want and do not want to do.]

"How incompetent can you possibly be?"