Knocked Down

Lyre stood there and watched the men face his brother.

He wanted to shout out to warn the men, but he did nothing of that sort, for fear of pissing his brother off.

If there's something Lyre wants, it's to escape from there.

And he did so.

He silently went to the back of a tree closer to where his brother and the humans were and watched them.

"Boys, let's show him what we have got." The leader of the men motioned for them to attack the merman, thinking he was as helpless as he looked.


The Merman opened his hand, and a green light surfaced.

His magic was the sea. He controls water with just a thought.

"What?" The men stood shock-still as they watched the Merman form a weapon with the water he called to himself.

Seeing how busy his brother was with the humans, Lyre took that opportunity to run. He ran out of the place without looking back.

The expression on his face, as he ran, was one of pure fear.

He knows that if his brother took him in, it's over for him. His family's resentment of him will increase.

The merman prince who was busy with the humans doesn't know what was happening until Lyre was halfway across the forest.

He threw slicing water at the humans before he raced after his kid brother.

His eyes darted around as he sought his rebellious brother, who seemed intent on escaping from the kingdom.

Lyre's legs were aching him, and he felt like giving up. However, the thoughts of the life that awaited him back in the kingdom, made me strive to go forward.

He knows going back will be the end of him. His family will be on guard at all hours of the day, to make sure he doesn't attempt to run away, again.

"Lyre!" The second merman prince called out to Lyre as he tried to catch up.

Lyre's heart skipped a beat at the sound of his brother's voice, which was near.

He weaved through the forest at a fast pace.

And despite his legs which were about to give up, he strived more.

The second prince tried to use his power on him, but being far from a water body, prevented him from using his body.


He frowned at how useless his powers were without water.

If only he has the powers of his other brothers, he would have caught their brother fast.

Just a slice of the mother's purple whip on his back will be able to stop his escape.

Lyre panted heavily as he ran. And it felt as if his life was about to leave him. Yet, he didn't stop.

It was better he strived to escape now, and think of the consequences later. Than to give up.


The second prince's voice was insistent.

Yet, it didn't stop Lyre.

As he ran, he noticed something. The trees around him became fewer until his legs touched the tarred road that led to the city not too far from where he was.

Stunned, Lyre wanted to stop, to investigate the strange floor, but he dared not do that, for fear of being caught by the brother.

He continued to run down the road as his brother chased him.

Just like Lyre, the second prince was confused about the tarred road, but he didn't stop to investigate.

Right now, the most important thing is to catch his rebellious brother. That's what he has to do. Other things will come after that.

Lyre, who was running for his life, saw a light coming at close speed.

And instead of running from it, he ran towards it, and straight at the car of a family going on vacation.


The mother's request came too late. The car has already knocked poor Lyre down.

And the moment his head hit the tarred floor, he lost consciousness.

"Oh, my God!"

The mother was the first to run out of the car when the husband hit the break.

The second prince instantly stopped when he saw the scene in front of me. He stood shocked to his bones as he watched the human man carry his brother into the car.

And before he can react, the humans have already zoomed off with the car.

There was no way he can chase after the car.

So, he did what he would have done earlier, he went back to the kingdom to report what has happened, to the mother.


"Drive a bit faster!" The wife glanced back at Lyre, whom they placed at the back of the car.

As he was naked when they carried, him, they had to cover him with a blanket.

"I'm driving fast, woman!" The husband who was frustrated with what happened snapped at the wife.

"Please drive a little faster!" The wife kept on glancing at Lyre. Her heart was beating fast at the thought of what might happen to the boy should they be late in taking him to the hospital.

"And I'm doing just that!" The husband frowned. "Do you think I want that poor lad to die in my hands?" He resisted the urge to tug on his hair.

"Then, drive the hell faster!" The wife, who hasn't for once used a cuss word in her life, stunned the husband with those words.

And he was left to stare at her.

The husband increased his speed limit, and before long, they got to the hospital.

Lyre was taken by the nurses, and they paid to have him admitted, and checked.

"I hope the boy is okay." The wife said as she paced the floor of the waiting room. She wanted nothing more but to barge into the ward and demand they treat him to the best of their abilities.

However, she held herself from doing that.

"It will be okay. You heard the doctor, right? He said it's nothing to worry about." Her husband tried to reassure her.

"I hope so." The mother placed her hand on her heart, "I just can't help but assume it was my son in such a state."