What happened?

It happened so suddenly.

One minute, they were one happy family heading to their home, and the next, they were involved in an accident.

The car collision was so brutal, it crushed their car.

Blood spilt on the tarred road, and three lives were lost.

Or not.

Rain was barely breathing, but he had his hands wrapped protectively around Lyre.

And that protected the merman from harm.

Rain's protective hands prevented the car from crushing on him.

And unlike the others who were squashed, Lyre was safe.

"Rain?" Lyre gasped.

His eyes took in the scene in front of him.

With the car turned to the side, he couldn't sit straight.

"Stay here until the ambulance gets here. Take care of mother for me." Rain took a deep breath, trying to regulate his breath.

His powers were running out faster than he thought, with him sharing them with Lyre.

It was the only way he knew, to keep Lyre safe.

"Call an ambulance!" A woman shrieked from the sidelines.