A curse

Stunned, Rain rose from the ground he was thrown to.

"Lyre?" He took a cautious step towards Lyre, who was once more lying on the ground.

However, this time, he was unconscious.

"Lyre?" Rain cautiously touched him to make sure the power he felt didn't come from Lyre.

When he felt Lyre's cheeks, and how cold it was, he hastily carried him up.

Rain didn't waste time at all.

With Lyre in his arms, he raced through the forest and headed towards the place his mother and sister were.

Right now, he had something important to think of that doesn't include figuring out what the power that threw him off was.


"How is he, doctor?" The mother rushed towards the doctor when he came out, with Rain, Clar, Jewel, and the father close behind her.

"He's fine." The doctor smiled at the family.

It only took a look for him to know how much the family cares for the sick one. The expression on their faces, and how anxious they seemed, made him smile.