I won't hurt you (NSFW)

Rain curled his tongue around Lyre's as he thrust in with his finger.

Lyre moaned a bit but relaxed in Rain's hold.

The pain has dulled a bit, but it was still there.

Rain added one more finger to the one he already had inside Lyre.


He pushed Rain off him.

"I can't, Rain."

Lyre panted heavily.

"Relax, I promise you will love it." Rain whispered into his ears. "I won't hurt you, Lyre."

"But it's painful!"

A tear slid from Lyre's eyes. "I don't think I can endure this anymore, Rain. It hurts."


Rain kissed his tears.

"Don't cry, love. It hurts me to see you this way," he gently wiped Lyre's tears off. "I won't hurt you."

Rain kissed Lyre before he trailed his kisses down.

This time, when he took Lyre's right nipple in his mouth, he inserted his fingers.


Lyre moaned, confused as to what to feel.

Rain's mouth on his nipples made him hot, while his fingers seemed to tear his bottom.

Lyre was torn.