The fight

Lyre glanced at the beasts who were now sitting around a circle, trying to build a fire with the few sticks they could find.

He furrowed his eyes at them, trying to understand what the hell they were doing with the odd-looking sticks.

The beasts were having a chat around them, but to Lyre, it sounded as if they were making animal noises, and that irritated him.

He frowned a bit at them before he sat on the floor of the cage, and folded his legs under him.

It was futile trying to get them to release him since it seemed they don't understand his language.

"But the man who came for Rain didn't have a difficult time conversing with us." Lyre tilted his head to the side.

It felt as if he has somehow been teleported to a place that was different from where Rain was taken to.

"Damn that man and his so-called help!" He hit his fists on the floor of the cage. Lyre gritted his teeth in anger and balled his hands. Yet, that didn't help his case.