
"Well done, son." The king clapped Rain on his back. "You are just your father's son."

"Thank you, father." Rain forced a smile, not wanting to appear suspicious.

"Your mother will be happy wherever she is, son. You have proven that you are indeed my son."

Rain nodded, but didn't say a word.

His mind wasn't on the king's words at all. It was preoccupied with thoughts of Lyre, and where the merman might be.

"Can I take my leave now, father? My body hurts, I need to sleep." Rain partially bowed to the king.

"You can." He smiled at Rain. "You need all the rest you can. Tomorrow, we take back what is ours."

"Eve?" Rain arched a brow.

"She's in a safe place. Don't worry, I won't let her escape." The king smirked. "My security is known to be top-notch."

"Good." Rain nodded.

He turned to go, only to meet AK and AX, who were rushing in.

"My prince." They bowed to him.

"Hi." Rain nodded at them before he hastened out of the throne room, not sparing them a glance.