You don't need magic to get him back

"I don't have what you are looking for." Eve asserted as she sat on the smaller throne.

She was dressed in a blue silk gown which was quite different from the animal skin clothes she wore before.

On her head was the real crown of Tarmixan which Tye took from her when he took over.

"What do you mean?" Rain narrowed his eyes at her.

"If you want to get your beloved back, I'm afraid you don't need any magic to get him to your side." Eve shrugged.

"And I'm telling you that I need one. Lyre has been brainwashed! He doesn't know me any more! My beloved doesn't recognize me!" Rain felt like tugging his hair.

"Then, make him remember you. It won't be difficult if you know what to do." Eve pursed her lips, not for once, looking bothered. The expression on her face made it seem like she couldn't care less for her son's predicament.

"How can I do that without magic?" Rain scowled at his mother.