It's your decision, not mine

AX stood outside the door.

Though she was now in a human body, her face didn't change. It was easily recognizable.

Her black long hair was tied up in a ponytail.

AX's skin was a bit dark; more than tanned dark. It was almost as if she retained her colour even in her changed state.

"Your mother was the one who helped me change to this skin when she learned that I wanted to…." She trailed off, nervously tangling her hair around her fingers.

"Why are you here?" Rain furrowed his brows at AX.

"Uh," she nervously scratched her hair. "I wanted to visit you, that's why."

"Visit me? Why?"

Lyre walked towards the door. "Rain, who's that?" He tried to peep.

"Lyre!" AX grinned at the sound of Lyre's voice.

"AX?" Lyre asked, shocked to see who it was.

Rain stepped back, and protectively put his hand on Lyre's waist.

"What are you doing here?" Lyre narrowed his eyes at AX.

"I came to visit you guys. Is that too much to ask for?" AX frowned. "Your mother approved of it. Why—"