Lyre is pregnant

Lyre nodded. "I'm pregnant. I've been pregnant for two weeks plus." He blushed.

Rain frowned. "You are pregnant?" He furrowed his brows at Lyre. "Wait a minute, Lyre." Rain blinked, "are you pregnant?"

The excited expression on Lyre's face dulled. And for the first time, since he told Rain the news, he was scared of what Rain might do.

This was one of his fears, and it was about to happen.

He was scared that Rain wasn't happy about his pregnancy.

Lyre lowered his head, and tightly bunched the blanket with his hands. "I won't harm the baby, Rain. It's also mine, I won't terminate it." A tear slid down his eyes.

Here he thought Rain would be ecstatic, but it turned out it was all in his and his mothers' head.

The father of the baby didn't want it.

Lyre sniffed.

"What are you talking about?" The rain lifted Lyre's face. "Who asked you to terminate the baby?" He frowned, confused by Lyre's words.

Lyre sniffed.

He locked his sad eyes on Rain's confused one.