Why are you here?

*Three months later*

"Your stomach is too big, Lyre." Clar touched his stomach. "Do you think your baby is ready to be delivered?" She peered up at him with her cute green eyes.

Lyre Frowned. "Mother said it's growing at a surprising speed. I presume it won't be as long as that of humans."

It hasn't been up to eight months since he found out he was pregnant.

"Bet me, he's going to give birth before Halloween." Jewel took a sip of the milk Clar was drinking.

"Hey! That's mine!" Clar narrowed her eyes at Jewel.

"You didn't write your name on it, did you?" Jewel pursed her lips. "This is a free world, I can do what I want."

"And that included drinking milk which isn't yours?" Clark pursed her lips.

"If I say it's mine, then it is." Jewel sat next to Lyre. "How is our pregnant sister-in-law?" She grinned.

"I'm your brother-in-law!" Lyre narrowed his eyes at her. "You better start acting up in front of me, or else I won't let you touch my baby."