Entry into Eternity!

"The day has finally come."

Maxime looked thoughtfully at his brand new watch in his hands. This watch would give him the opportunity to change his destiny. For this opportunity he had invested all his savings while working as a part-time bartender during his studies.

He gently attached it to his right wrist.


A small alarm sounded at the same time he finished tying it.

[Downloading the user's profile in progress... ]

Maxime felt a small needle pierce his skin, but it hardly caused him any pain.

[Downloading user profile completed...]

[Congratulations to user Maxime Valdreuve for the acquisition of the iron watch X-30 303 030 303]

[Does user Maxime Valdreuve wish to go to the world "Eternity"]

"Yes!" replied Maxime excitedly.

In response to his answer, his body went into a vegetative state while his mind was projected somewhere else at high speed.

When Maxime opened his eyes again, he found himself in the middle of a completely empty place.

He was dressed in simple cloth clothing, with a small sword hanging from his waist.

Around him were various old-looking houses, all of which seemed to be made of wood.

"Let's see, page of statistics shows you. " thought Maxime with some impatience.

Identity: Maxime Valdreuve

Class: Peasant level 1 (+3% to physique)

Unlocked a new class: 0/10

Physique : 1,15 (+0,0345)

Qi : 0


Sword Mastery level 1 (32/100)

Frankish language level 2 (21/100)

Talent : NOX LIMIT level 1 (unknown rank) (0/100 000)

Money available: 10 gold coins.

"Unknown rank? How is that possible?" wondered Maxime.

"Display the details of the talent NOX LIMIT" ordered Maxime.

[NOX LIMIT: Increases the effectiveness of any training by 500% of all those belonging to the mercenary group member. Increases the talent of all members by one rank. Shouting NOX LIMIT can increase the performance of all mercenaries belonging to the host's party by 50% within 20 yards for 30 minutes. Recharge time: one week]

"Unbelievable." reacted Maxime, his eyes wide.

Normally, talents are ranked in ascending order: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and finally Diamond.

"Each of these characteristics is equivalent to a Diamond rank talent!"

While Maxime was still in a stupor, a shout filled with rage was heard.

"You unscrupulous thieves, get the hell out of this village before this old man rides your asses!"

Immediately Maxime hurriedly headed towards the source of this one.

"Hahaha old man if you don't want your little village to become a river of blood, just give us 100 gold coins and we'll simply go back to where we came from!"

Maxime arrived just in time to see an old man accompanied by a hundred angry-looking villagers carrying various weapons, ranging from pitchforks to even pots and kitchen knives.

In front of them were about thirty bandits with long swords. They didn't seem to be worried about the number of villagers, instead they seemed to be ready to fight.

Their leader was sitting on a horse as he towered over the crowd of villagers.

"Grandpa, give them the money, we have no choice or they will slaughter us all. As long as we wait for the arrival of the Kui City army or a powerful mercenary group, then we can go back to our normal lives and everyone will still be alive." said a rather thin and small young man.

The old man sighed slightly before suddenly straightening up.

"The problem is that we don't have that money! So we'll either starve to death or die killing those damn thieves. This old man was a rank 3 soldier in the past, so the choice is quickly decided!"

"Go to hell, maybe Lucifer has 100 gold coins to give to little shits like you!" shouted the old man as he ran towards the bandit leader while laughing.

These words seemed to ignite the fighting spirit of all the villagers as they charged towards the robbers.

The thieves suddenly panicked as they saw so many villagers charging towards them. After all, they were only thieves, not soldiers. They liked to fight when they had an absolute advantage, but in this kind of situation where they were risking their lives, they just wanted to run away.

"I will kill anyone who deserts me!" the bandit leader roared from his horse after he had already retreated from the battlefield.

The thieves could only strengthen their resolve and collide with the enraged villagers.

Maxime was briefly surprised by this violent start to the game, but he knew that this was an opportunity to become stronger so he also charged with the villagers, drawing his small sword.

Running with them, his breathing quickened as adrenaline coursed through his body.

A few seconds later, the first exchanges were heard, starting with the old man who was surprisingly fast.

His pitchfork directly skewered a thief, taking his life in just one blow.

"Hahaha, damn thief, admire the skills of this grandfather!"

His pitchfork seemed to be free of any restraint as he performed moves worthy of martial arts movies.

Unfortunately for the other villagers, the result was quite different.

In just a few seconds, a dozen intrepid villagers traded their lives for only to seriously injure 3 thieves.

There was indeed a skill gap between those who put their lives on the line every day to survive and those who worked in craft, urban or agricultural professions.

It was at this point that a young man with golden hair passed through the crowd.

He came dangerously close to a thief who was badly wounded, and with a step to the side he avoided his opponent's sword by a few centimeters and then pierced his chest.

Maxime's action raised the morale of all the villagers, especially that of two other young men who rushed towards the two other seriously wounded thieves.

Unfortunately for them, they were blocked by other thieves.

But as time went on, the thieves accumulated injuries as the villagers became more cautious in their fighting, and began to catch the rhythm of the battlefield.

This further increased the pressure on the thieves.

The old man and Maxime were all over the battlefield as they reaped the lives of one thief after another.

"Retreat!" ordered the leader of the thieves as the situation turned dramatic.

The villagers cheered and did not pursue the remaining thieves.

Unfortunately, the cheers were short-lived as the old man and the young man with the golden hair showed little enthusiasm.

"Collect the bodies of our friends and these scoundrels, we will burn them tonight at dusk to prevent diseases from spreading in the village," the old man ordered in a dry tone.

In response, the villagers finally looked at the lifeless bodies of their former acquaintances and family members lying on the ground.

The joy of having survived and the confusion of the battlefield made them forget the sacrifice they had to make to repel the robbers.

As some people collapsed to the ground in tears and others began to gather the bodies, the old man turned to Maxim.

"It seemed so real, it seems as the rumors say, it's not just a game, it's a real living world at this point. At least I'm glad that my physical and sword training finally yielded results." thought Maxime with a slight smile.

"Is everything all right, young man?" the old man asked worriedly.

This woke up Maxim from his stupor.

"Haha yes everything is fine!" he answered, despite his heavy breathing, his legs and arms trembling.

"First battlefield, it seems," smiled the old man.

"Yes, it was my first time," replied Maxime, a little embarrassed.

"It was an impressive performance for a beginner, it seems that you could make an excellent soldier or mercenary in the future."

"Coming to that fact, I would like to be able to organize my own mercenary group, and therefore recruit some young people from this village." asked Maxime in a tone that was neither arrogant nor submissive.

The old man looked seriously at Maxime for a few seconds, thinking.

After a few seconds he answered:

"So be it, but this will be your reward for helping us. Here human resources are the most precious thing.

Maxime smiled solemnly and nodded his head.

The old man thought a little longer before handing a small linen bag to Maxime.

Guessing the contents, Maxime suddenly became slightly excited.

Seeing the young man's expression, the old man gave a slight smile and said:

"This is 10 gold coins, that should help you pretty well. I hope that in return, in the future, you will rid us of these bandits who threaten the tranquility of our little village."

Maxime contained his excitement, as he solemnly took the small linen bag and then declared:

"I promise on my soul that I will eradicate all thieves around this village."

The old man smiled gently in response.

In this world, the currency is fixed in this way: 100 bronze coins is equal to 1 silver coin and 100 silver coins is equal to 1 gold coins.

The income of an ordinary adult being 12 to 15 silver coins, 10 gold coins represented a huge fortune.

However, for a group of mercenaries this was the minimum necessary as capital, as the salary of a single mercenary started at least at one gold coin.

That's why the game offered 10 gold coins as a basic capital.

But Maxime was excited for another reason.

"I can afford to open a new class!"