Rise in level

"Baron trust us, this mission, the saber-toothed tiger group will certainly accomplish it!"

"I don't doubt it. You can leave" declared the Baron and without waiting for an answer he left from where he had come.

At the same time, Barbara arrived with a bag full of gold coins and put it in Maxim's hands.

Maxime thanked Barbara and she simply bowed before leaving to carry out her tasks.

Under Romuald's astonished gaze, the bag suddenly became thinner as if there was nothing left inside and Maxime quickly put it away in his pockets.

What kind of magic is this?" asked Romuald curiously.

"Haha, there is no such thing as magic, it's just a handy little trick," replied Maxime with amusement.

Obviously he wasn't going to reveal the system's ability to anyone in this world.

At the same time, he brought up his status screen again.

Identity: Maxime Valdreuve


Peasant level 1 (+3% to physique) (0/10)

Swordsman level 1 (+5% physics) (0/20)

Unlocked a new class : 0/50

Physique : 1,35 (+0,1)

Qi : 0


Sword Mastery level 1 (42/100)

Mastery of the Frankish language level 2 (21/100)

Passive trait:

+5% physicality when wielding a sword

+10% efficiency in training with a sword.

Talent : NOX LIMIT level 1 (unknown rank) (0/1000)

Money available: 210 gold coins.


Andrew: Three star potential. Physical: 1.3.

Terry: Two star potential. Physical: 1

James: Two star potential. Physics: 1.1

Piedro: Two star potential. Physics: 1.1

Izo: Two star potential. Physics: 1.1

Peter: Two star potential. Physics: 1.1

Alessandro: Two star potential. Physics: 0.9

Ronny: Two star potential. Physics: 0.9

Pending approval:

Romuald: One star potential and a minor talent in physics. Physical: 1.6

Maxime's eyes sparkled when he saw so much gold, but he would think later about how to use it.

Unsurprisingly, his sword skills had increased significantly after a month of training, i.e. by 20 points.

His language skills had also increased slightly with practice.

What surprised him the most was Romuald's physique, which seemed to have exceeded the limit of his potential!

If he had level 1 sword skills of at least 60/100 he would completely enter the ranks of the elite soldiers!

This meant that with him, their little mercenary group would already have 2 elite mercenaries!

Unfortunately, Maxime could not see this kind of information about the people of this world. But what he had was already enough for him.

As Maxime was deep in thought and walked out of the mansion with Romuald, Romuald sighed and exclaimed:

"The Baron is still as impressive as ever."

Maxime snapped out of his thoughts and only nodded in response, he himself had felt the deep chasm between commoners and nobles.

Instead he asked with a slight smile:

"Romuald, it would be time for you to discover the advantages of joining my mercenary group."

"Benefits? Don't tell me you have a magical talent?" asked Romuald curiously.

"A magical talent?" asked Maxime, not understanding what he was talking about directly.

Romuald seemed disappointed for a moment, but he explained seriously:

"Magical talents are diverse and overpowering talents that no one has found a term for.

"Normally the talents of individuals are rather simple such as physical enhancement, better training efficiency, better reaction time, in short it improves some aspects of the body or brain."

"This is what some geniuses rely on to overcome their limit, and I am one myself!" he announced with pride.

Maxime listened seriously to the explanations, and so waited quietly for the rest.

On the other hand, Romuald changed his expression into admiration:

"But there are some monsters in this world who have a talent that can be applied to all their subordinates, but only if those subordinates are mercenaries."

"This makes all mercenaries become geniuses, even if it is to a small extent."

"Indeed, the world is fair and just. Generally magical talents have lesser effects than individual talents, but it is still heaven-defying since they can add up on the same person."

"If one person in a hundred has a physical talent, then only one person in a hundred thousand has a magical talent!"

"That's how rare they are!"

But seeing Maxime' lack of reaction, Romuald didn't elaborate further and calmed down.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have it, there are many mercenary group leaders who don't have it and yet are extremely respected and in demand everywhere."

"Anyway, what are the advantages you mentioned?" asked Romuald without much expectation.

"Good fellowship, a good salary and an excellent future." replied Maxime with a smile.

But while Maxime knew what he meant when he said "excellent future", Romuald only understood it as a reassurance.

Out of curiosity, Romuald asked Maxime about a certain point:

"You mentioned that you could make me stronger, I'd like to know what you meant by that?"

After all, that was the reason he had her convinced to join Maxim's group.

"The same thing I meant by saying excellent future."

Going around the thing every time irritated Romuald, even giving way to some rage in his words.

"Look kid, I just bet my life by joining you and now I can't go back. So keep fooling around with me and I'll blow your beautiful face to the ground."

At the same time, Romuald's face had come dangerously close to Maxim's.

Yet, despite his words, Maxim's face and eyes did not change in the least.

"The magical talent you speak of, I have. And quite powerful," said Maxime, confronting his gaze with Romuald's.

Amazement appeared on Romuald's face as he backed away slightly, but still retaining some irritation.

"Here you go, whenever you want. Be more direct next time," he said, waiting to see the effects.

However, the reaction of Maxime was not made wait whereas he threatened:

"However, speak to me again like that, and your excellent future you will spend it at the side of Lucifer."

Once again, Romuald felt the famous charisma of Maxime, the same one that had convinced him to join him.

His aura was completely different than with the baron. It was the real Maxime, the one who could express himself completely when he had no constraints.

This somehow eased Romuald's heart, proving that he had not made the wrong choice.

On the contrary, he laughed heartily, not taking Maxim's words seriously at all.

"Haha I like this temperament chief, keep it and I will stay with you until the dawn of time."

Maxime also laughed lightly as he replied:

"Stay alive until then."

"No worries chief, I plan to stay alive and enjoy the view when we get to the top!"

With the discussion over, they continued walking down the street.

A few minutes later, they found a bar and entered it.

Luck had appeared as they quickly found the members of the saber-toothed tiger mercenary group.

However, the situation did not look particularly good, as Maxime heard:

"Haha then little redhead what a feeling it is to have good beer on your hair!"

Maxime had seen his 8 mercenaries laughing happily together and the next moment a mercenary passing behind spilled an entire pint of beer on Andrew's hair.

Andrew kept his head down for seemingly endless seconds as beer continued to fall on him.

About twenty burly men sitting around a large table nearby laughed loudly at this action. They seemed to be his comrades since the rest of the bar remained silent.

Most of them were eagerly awaiting the reaction of the redhead and his comrades.

Romuald was also looking forward to the next part of the story. It was the first time in a long time that he could enjoy some action without having to intervene as a guard.

Yet he saw Maxime from behind slowly advancing toward them.

"No, that would be too coincidental, wouldn't it?" Romuald mentally asked himself with a slight touch of irony.

It wasn't just Romuald, everyone saw Maxime moving slowly towards the author of the current scene since he was the only person moving.

Two mercenaries blocked his way.

However, Maxime didn't slow down in the least, he continued as if there were no obstacles as he whispered:

"System, raise the level of the peasant and swordsman classes to level 2."