A heaven-defying talent

On the other side of the bar, Maxime bent down avoiding a right and then with the help of his right foot he made a quick rotation on himself.

He grabbed the arm of his assailant and pulled hard on it while making sure with the help of his back that his assailant lost his balance.


His assailant had flipped in the air, his back landing hard on the ground.

This technical maneuver got a few applause from the audience in the vicinity for their greatest happiness.

Unfortunately, before Maxime could reposition himself, two large men armed with stools came up behind him and broke them violently on his head.

Maxime stood up a bit groggy with blood dripping from his forehead.


Saving nothing for defense, he swung an arm at the face of each of the assailants simultaneously. But his physique was such that this amateurish gesture with little power made the two men back off.

Quickly observing the situation, Maxime realized that it was more or less lost.

He had been fighting for a few minutes already, and although he had been able to lay some of the opponents on the ground with his super-powerful physique, his comrades could not exercise such fighting ability in the same situation.

Joe and Ronny were barely standing, passively taking hits. Only their minds were still holding them up.

Terry had somehow managed to slip between the mercenaries and land accurate but deadly blows, but he had been caught by 2 mercenaries and in just a few blows he was covered in blood.

James had also been caught by two mercenaries but he continued somehow to struggle while insulting them as a big slut, which caused some laughter in the audience.

Piedro seemed to be rather calm as he resisted the blows without flinching in the least, keeping a calm far from ordinary.

Izo was more or less the same as Piedro, except that at least Piedro was grimacing and seemed to feel pain. Izo was like a tireless machine, seeming to feel nothing. This even made his assailants tremble with fear.

Peter seemed to have put his life on the line since some mercenaries had amused him by telling him that once he would catch him he would torture him in all possible and unimaginable ways and then send him to hell.

On the other hand Andrew sent all his strength in each of his blows without fear of the slightest counter attack. Wound for wound, he seemed to be a wild beast.

Romuald had not far from him on the ground the two gorillas who had blocked him. The latter were completely ko, lying in the middle of the table half broken.

But Romuald seemed to be in a bad way because of the state of his face but his posture showed that he still wanted more.

If that was all, the situation was still pretty good, but the problem was that the mercenaries in front were tough as nails too.

Only 7 had been knocked out, 4 in total by Romuald and Andrew and the remaining 3 by Maxime.

And there were still more than a dozen who were only slightly injured, not to mention their boss completely unharmed.

"Damn, this is an opportunity I can't afford to miss. I hope these mercenaries are pretty rich..."

"System, raise the level of the peasant and swordsman classes to level 3."


[50 gold coins subtracted]

[Peasant class increased by one level].

[Peasant class raised to level 3]

[+0.1 points added to physique]


[Peasant" class has reached its maximum level]

[Minor talent in stamina added.]

[Minor talent in strength added.]


[30 gold subtracted]

[Swordsman class increased by one level]

[Swordsman class increased to level 3]

[+0.2 points added to physique]


[Current Physique: 1.95 (+0.16)]

[Balance remaining: 100 gold coins]

Maxime clenched his hand, feeling an immense power in his body as if he had become tireless and could break a wall with one punch.

Obviously it was only his imagination, but he had indeed already reached a superhuman physique and his energy increased drastically.

The weakest generals in this world were only at this level.

But it was only in terms of physique, whether it was the skills they had in hand-to-hand combat or with various weapons they were far above Maxime.

Even an elite soldier could defeat Maxime in a duel with a weapon because his skills were far too weak.

However, this kind of physics in a battle in a narrow area and without a weapon is perfect.

With a flash of thought, Maxime fixed his gaze on the instigator of this battle.

The latter put down his glass as he felt as if he had become someone's prey. His body instinctively tensed as he placed both arms at a 90 degree angle in front of him.

The next moment he felt an immense force press down on both arms, throwing him from his chair and falling to the floor.

The deafening noise instantly calmed everyone down as countless eyes landed on the young man with blond hair, or rather blond hair tinged with blood.

But he stood straight as a spear while his expression looked as if he had just done something extremely ordinary.

"Wow." said a spectator.

"That's fucking amazing!"

"Yeah, Pyrion the bloody bear leader just flew away!"

"Haha we're witnessing the birth of a new legend who knows!"

"Yeah this guy is really strong, especially for his age!"

"His comrades are pretty strong too to last this long against the bloody bears who are experienced mercenaries!"

No matter how loud the surrounding noise was, Maxime always knew how to make a difference.

And right now his goal was to create an extremely strong image of himself to attract more mercenaries to join him.

"Are you going to get up or shall I finish you off as you are?" said Maxime in an indifferent tone.

The noise that existed before fell silent to enjoy the show completely.

"Haha, I haven't been in such a state for a long time!" laughed Pyrion as he quickly stood up.

"What's your name young man?" he asked curiously.

"Maxim, leader of the saber-toothed tiger mercenary group. And you?" replied Maxime with the same curiosity.

In fact, the hostility between the two was not so great and fights between mercenary groups were common in this world.

Indeed, it allowed to train its members with a minimal risk while increasing its reputation, its notoriety and its prestige.

Maxime had already worked on himself to change his perception of the world, because entering the world of mercenaries requires adapting to its customs.

"Pyrion, leader of the Bloody Bears mercenary group," he replied with a smile.

The next second, he moved quickly and ferociously attacked Maxime.

"Shit, in terms of physics I'm probably above him but his fighting skills completely dominate me."

Maxime could only passively defend himself against the barrage of attacks.

"In that case, I can only do this..."

Maxime quickly detected a jab coming towards his face.

"An opportunity!"

As the jab hit his face, surprise could be seen on Pyrion's face.

"Shit, get off me!"

"Haha now that I've caught you believe me I'm not about to let you go" said Maxime with a smile.

Indeed, Maxime had sacrificed his defense to immobilize one of Pyrion's arms.

Then it becomes blow for blow, but on the one hand Maxime had a superior physique and attacked with his dominant arm while Pyrion could only throw jab with his left arm and grit his teeth.

But after only 30 seconds, he was puking his guts out from taking hits in the stomach.

This drained him of energy but allowed him to regain some distance from Maxim who had quickly moved away.

"Shit, what kind of mercenary potential do you have? It must be a 3 star to be so monstrous at a young age right? Even 4 stars..." said Pyrion in frustration.

Maxime did not answer and instead asked:

"You have gold don't you?"

"If you don't want to go out with a worse condition than now pay 100 gold."

Pyrion frowned and said:

"Don't mess around too much Maxime, my bloody bears have been pretty reasonable otherwise your men would already be all down in a miserable state."

Maxime didn't show anything on his face but he knew that Pyrion was telling the truth. Otherwise it would have been enough for two bloody bears to block the arms of one of his comrades, and then a third could just beat him up.

But in fact they did play fair although they still took advantage of their numbers, except in their duel court.

"But I won and it was your mercenary who provoked us," announced Maxime.

"Fifty gold pieces," replied Pyrion after some thought.

"100 gold coins" continued Maxime in a firm tone.

"Don't be too much of a stickler, saber-toothed tiger leader, 100 gold coins is already our gross income for a month's mission."

"After subtracting logistics, salaries, maintenance of various collective equipment, some bonuses, curative medicine and compensation for members who died in battle, there's not much left."

But Maxime remained stoic.

Waiting for a few seconds, Pyrion sighed and then declared with a firm tone:

"Brother, draw your swords, today blood will flow freely.

The sounds of drawing were heard one after the other as countless swords were pointed at Maxime and his comrades in various parts of the bar.

This time Maxime could no longer keep his calm.

"Indeed, mercenaries are no fools and are extremely greedy for money. Taking money from people who have earned it by putting their lives on the line is an extremely dangerous gesture," thought Maxime with slight disappointment.

"That's 50 gold coins and you pay for the repairs to the bar," announced Maxime.

"Deal." replied Pyrion with a smile as he threw a bag of gold coins to Maxime who caught it in flight with one hand.

After all, even he could die in his current state.

"Let's go, guys," said Maxime as he left without a glance behind him.

All the mercenaries followed him, although most of them were in a sad state.

However, their backs were straight and they had a certain menacing aura about them, impressing the various spectators.

On the way, Maxime glanced at Romuald and nodded his head in approval.


[Detecting that Romuald has joined the host's mercenary group].

[Innate potential of a star with a minor talent in physics detected.]

[Host's talent activated.]

[The mercenary Romuald has his potential increased to two stars.]

Simultaneously, Romuald notices something change from deep within his being.

"How is it possible...I don't feel this barrier that used to hold me back so hard from progressing..." Romuald muttered with a huge shock.

Then he looked at Maxime' back as he calmly walked away, and his eyes widened.

"What kind of heaven-defying magical talent is this?"