
Amaya obediently sat in front of the class.  Julienne on the other hand was cursing inside.  She wanted to sit at the back because she did not want to listen to the boring lecture of the teacher.

Soon even Amaya lost interest.  She already knew about the things that Miss Gamala was teaching them.  If she remembered right, her father taught her about human anatomy when she was twelve years old.  She glanced around to see what her classmates were doing.  A few were listening to the teacher but many were pretending to listen and just playing.

The teacher misunderstood Amaya.  She thought that the princess was having a hard time with her lessons and was looking around to get help from her classmates.  She thought of asking her to stay after class so she can help her catch up.  Wouldn't the Royal Family like her because of that?  If she was good to the Princess, then she might speak a few good words to her father.