Strange Creatures

"The emperor closed his eyes when he saw how those men were brutally violated before their bodies were shredded into pieces by the monster's claws.  Then the monster feasted on the mangled bodies.

The monster was gloating. It intentionally performed the massacre in front of the camera like it knew there was a camera there. After he was done, he went in front of the camera, roared, and bared its fangs, then everything went black.

The emperor was silent for a long time.

"Emperor, yesterday we received a signal from the transmitter at the foot of Mount Paraiso.  Someone entered the mountain."

The third elder pushed the play button and a video appeared on the screen showing three people riding on horses. The man and woman looked valiant as they rode two beautiful white horses while the third person was on a brown horse.

"It is the Princess of Lireya. What do we do Emperor? Do we send people to rescue them?" The tenth elder spoke.