Battle of the Titans: And The Winner Is...

Princess Amaya glanced at Adelle with probing eyes. Initially, Adelle flinched, but after some time, she met Amaya's gaze with smugness. She knew her father was helping her, but she did not know exactly how.

"Then, I would like to see the Chancellor." Amaya was talking to the umpire, but her gaze remained on Adelle.

Whispers and murmurs filled the arena as the audience grew restless. The source of the competition's delay was unknown, leaving everyone wondering what was causing the interruption.

The umpire looked troubled. He received a notice on his headset to proceed. If the princess continued to delay the competition, she would be disqualified.

Princess Amaya looked displeased when the umpire insisted that they should proceed with the competition. Just then, she felt a vibration on her wristwatch. She looked at the cryptic message, and her lips curled up.