My Father...

"The crown prince of Lireya must have done many good things in his past life to have a talented daughter like you, Princess!" the reporter wearing a black pencil skirt and a white long-sleeved blouse spoke kindly to her, just like an aunty would to her niece.

Princess Amaya smiled at her.

A stern-looking female journalist approached and thrust the microphone into Amaya's face. "But isn't your father Ibrahim Rocas and not the current crown prince, Ibarra Rocas?"

The crowd let out a collective gasp as the reporter's direct question left them speechless.

News reporters representing other media companies looked at the woman in disbelief. They appeared to find her question-raising approach unprofessional.

Vasquez and several of Amaya's guards advanced to forcibly eject the reporter, but Princess Amaya stepped in and raised her hand to stop them.

Princess Amaya looked straight and smiled at the female reporter.