Not Quite Finished

The accolade was over and the same herald who had been announcing in the throne room told everyone present that they were allowed to go for more refreshments or enjoy the cool evening in the garden. 

Trenton whispered to Henry that it was the palace worker's way of kindly telling everyone to leave and it caused the newly knighted man to have to hold in a laugh during a quiet moment. 

The knights under Commander Lothian weren't used to the palace's imported wine and they decided they would have one last taste before going on their way. However, as Maximus held a chalice in his hands, the commander narrowed his eyes at him. 

"It's not necessary we drink more this evening," the commander said. "We'll be back in less than a day." 

They would return for the next two days for celebrations that were opened to more people. The feasts would be larger and the dressing more decadent as the knights warned Henry.