News from the North

Word of the Knights of Hydrogia's victory over the Royal Knights spread quickly through the walled city. 

People crowded the streets and businesses thrived as everyone tried to catch a glimpse of the knights who left the arena. The popularity of knights was at an all-time high after their victory in the north over the goblin army.

After the welcome home banquets, rumors trickled out of the palace and slowly evolved as they reached each new person. Noble women mingling with knights wasn't a new concept but the princess being bunched into all of the rumors was a surprising addition. 

In response, the commoners' curiosity only skyrocketed and in the pubs and shops the knights occupied, many people followed. 

Henry had even been coerced into joining his fellow knights at a pub but he had hardly touched alcohol before it was time to head back to the commander's fief and remember their responsibilities that had been forgotten for the past couple of days.