The King Wants To Talk

Henry finished his glass of wine and sat back, feeling relaxed that the princess was in the arms of the commander and no knight would approach him. A servant soon brought a decanter over and filled his glass again. He knew he should hold back a little bit but he continued to sip on the deep red liquid.

"At least you have nothing to worry about since she's dancing with the commander," Alix observed. 

Trenton scratched his finally shaved face thoughtfully and laughed. 

"Isn't that the truth," he agreed. "I've never seen the commander's face light up at the sight of a woman. He's broken many hearts that way." 

Henry was mid-drink at Trenton's revelation and he choked, coughing immediately as he did. 

The realization had struck Henry as well. The commander's face lit up when he realized Henry's mother was Celia.