On Her Own

Lava continued to flow in Polona long after the knights left it behind. 

The mages of Nickron had to destroy the northern entrance and create a new one further east where the lava hadn't destroyed the physical wall. Luckily, the magical barrier held back the molten rock, but it was burning through energy faster than monster attacks.

It was a phenomenon that those nearby the monster country hadn't seen in a century. Everyone who experienced the great lava flow the first time was long dead. 

Everyone, except for Tabitha. 

Henry had marveled at the magic that remained in the mage's tower amongst the ruins of the ancient castle in Polona. He imagined a wizard from two centuries before so powerful that the magic remained but the body was long gone. 

Some of it was true. The wizard had died long ago, but she still managed the shop at the top of the tower.