Arrival at Night

The weather was holding up for the men and they hadn't seen a drop of rain despite autumn closing in on Peroda and being Hydrogia's rainy season next to spring.

Henry felt that luck was on his side because each time clouds would gather in the sky or a mass of them would float by, he was certain that heaven was going to pour out on top of them. 

Yet Commander Lothian was insistent that nothing would come of the clouds because they didn't look right. He would forever be vexed by the man's ability to predict the weather to complete accuracy. 

He hoped it was something that could be taught. It would be useful in Chemois if he really did make it there.

Henry and Commander Lothian had arrived in the city late in the evening, pressing on because they knew they wouldn't have to set up a camp if they made it all the way to the city by the evening.