Immovable Object vs. Unstoppable Force

Celia didn't know what she was doing. 

She stepped forward until there was only a few feet of space between them but she stopped abruptly. 

His words of never healing interpreted pain he had been carrying around for so long and she wanted to make it right. However, the man before her was different than who he was then. Even if he was hurting, he didn't have feelings for her anymore. He had outgrown her. 

As his dark eyes watched her, she became very nervous. The realization started to dawn on her that it was she who had perhaps started romanticizing him because of all the attention he had been giving her. In her loneliness, she had misinterpreted the situation. 

Even though she knew he probably had troves of women after him, she decided to close the space between them until she could reach out and touch his right arm that hung by his side.