Doubts of Their Own

The time between Henry passing all the tests thrown his way and the actual ducal enthronement was so vast because a three of the Knights of Chemois had to make the trip to retrieve who would be their commander and duke in the future. 

Winters in Hydrogia were mild, but in Chemois, they were far from. 

They had faced winter mountains and suffered through snowstorms, but for them it was nothing. All they hoped for was that Henry would be able to face the cold or he wouldn't last there. 

While it wouldn't be the first time they met Henry, it would be the first time he was introduced to them as a leader. 

Two had spent time at Commander Lothian's fief after the war but they had returned after there was word that things had gotten worse in the north. They saw the knighting of Henry and the Passing of Honor but never would have expected he would be their commander one day.