Full of Surprises

Before Henry left the throne room, he turned to Princess Marie to see if she wanted to walk with him to the banquet hall. 

The two of them hadn't uttered a word to one another the entire few hours he had already been in the castle. Normally she would try to sneak to him since she knew the patterns of those in the castle better than he did. 

However, not seeing her at all had put a damper on his mood. He knew he should be focused on other things considering the importance of the day but the place next to him felt cold without her there. It was a feeling he carried with him no matter where he was. 

For the past year, he had been facing the nobles simply so he could spend time with her. The only place he could reach her was the palace due to the protective nature of her father and brother. Now that he was a noble himself, he hoped that it would ease his uncomfortableness in the presence of the highest class.