I Will Not Leave You Behind

The commander felt around in the darkness until his hand met cold metal. His hand slid down the front of the hard plate armor on Irene's shin until his fingers met the rocks that had piled up earlier.

"Your leg is certainly stuck," Henry uttered a bit disappointedly. However, he was determined not to lose hope. "The rocks around here don't seem to be all that big. I can unbury you." 

Irene could tell his hand was on her shin from the light pressure she felt. If they were able to see one another, he would be able to tell that there were tears on her face. It hurt and she was scared, though she wasn't someone who complained. 

"Commander, you ought to leave me here and go seek more help," she insisted. "I'm going to slow you down and nighttime is due to fall in only a short amount of time." 

He couldn't see her tears and she couldn't see his dark eyebrows lower as he disagreed with her vehemently.